How Expensive Will Pat Serpa Get??

1 December 2021
Honorable West Warwick Town Solicitor Tim Williamson, Esq.

Office of the West Warwick Town Solicitor

1170 Main Street

West Warwick, RI  02893

Honorable Solicitor Williamson:

I hope this message finds you well.  I am proud to say that I have observed the great example you have set as a public servant since I was a college intern.  The only reason this communication was delayed is Pat Serpa might be involved and that meant my lawyer and I had to have a few conversations.

I know it is more than likely about the APRA I filed.  Green Development LLC gave $500 to Pat Serpa, advertised on the West Warwick Civic Center web page, yet has no development in your town.  An APRA had to be sent.  Back on March 21st of 2020, my girlfriend and I made a decision.  I had experience regarding “extended stay” hotels back from my timeshare and flooring construction salesman days.  We figured we would move into one, wait six months or so, improve our credit scores a bit and go buy a house.  So we did exactly that.

Only one problem.  In 6 months, 46% of the local housing stock disappeared, fights started at open houses – I witnessed one, and investment buyers were offering $75,000 over list.  For the most part, that has not changed.  We are waiting for a certain set of events to flip the marketplace, it is cruel to say what they actually are, and return to a buyer’s market.  With over 19 years clean and sober while managing a number of mental illnesses including Bipolar 1 each day, I am too spoiled to just go get another landlord.  For that reason, my address is 268 Metro Center Boulevard, Unit 239, Warwick, RI  02886 and will continue to be so until the market comes around.

If it ever turns out that Rep. Pat Serpa tries her little stunt again, it is not like she has enough talent to have options, please just let Rick Corley know and I will happily show up to be “processed”.  I hope no one on your team takes it personally that I still find the “Cyberstalking Statute” to be an unjust mess that needs to be repealed.  That means getting to the State Supreme Court.  That means finding another politician willing to defend pedophiles or hate women or secretly likes Trump to playfully interact with.  Sad but true, you can only get to the Supreme Court if you have standing and the best way to do that is to scare the illiterate and untalented into calling the cops.

I know you love your community so maybe, as I wrote to a teacher yesterday, different choices are in order.  For instance, in response to the Mississippi case before the Supreme Court, some folks are going to make Thomas Oates’ address available.  That way, anyone unhappy with the decision can let him know personally.  I will not be taking part in that.  Even though he lied to the police and should have been arrested himself for filing a false police complaint, there is a No Contact Order in place.  I respect local law enforcement therefore violating it is not an option.  What is an option is going through Mr. Oates’ history and discovering if he has ever discriminated against anyone before.  Why should we do that??  Because he told us he was a racist/bigot/trasngender kids hating/sexist all by his little lonesome.  

If any of that turns into a civil suit and it costs your community money, I apologize.  However, I cannot apologize if Pat Serpa screws up again, spoiler alert: we have a little something planned, and this time it costs West Warwick citizens money.  I cannot apologize if Mr. Mattiello being hired by Lifespan causes folks to look for dirt on him and that spills all over Rep. Serpa and costs West Warwick citizens money.  I cannot apologize if because Greg Amore is running for Secretary of State people realize that Mr. Mattiello having access to our voting data would be a disaster and then go looking which again reveals things that Pat Serpa covered up and that ends up costing West Warwick money.  Maybe you guys need to get together at a coffee shop or something and discuss liability.  Serpa plus Oates in one town could cause the need for an off year tax re-evaluation.

Because this letter will be on my blog, there is one thing I want to make clear.  West Warwick is an incredibly underrated town.  Yes, you have a homeless problem like everywhere else.  At any time, I would be happy to go down and talk to your unhoused folks about sobriety.  Meanwhile, there is great food, art, and scenery to be discovered throughout your community.  Instead the headlines will be about Ms. Serpa and Mr. Oates.  Sooner or later, the Trumpists will age out or COVID will take care of them.  COVID death rates are 6 times higher in Trump supporting counties than Biden supporting counties.  When that happens, the Serpa’s and Oates will fade away.  We can have equality again.  In that environment, when you ask me for my address, I can just call you and say “Here it is” without talking to my lawyer.  We all need to hang in there until that day comes.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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