Is It Time For The RIGOP To Divorce Itself From Trumpy Trump??

Those clowns use their Catholicism as an excuse.  The reality is that 68% of Catholics vote Pro Choice because Matthew 5:17 in its original translation teaches us Jesus approved of that and was cool with gay people.  Would you rather hang out with people acting like Jesus or this creepy collective??

On Our Way To Sebastian

On our way to Sebastian where??  I can’t say yet because it gives too much away.  However, if you remember the part where I’m finally accomplishing something I’ve wanted to do for 56 years, it all makes sense. Thanks for being along for the ride. This week's schedule will be a little bit of a... Continue Reading →

If Jake’s Election Numbers Come In Weird, This Is Why

Everyone talks about her smile.  They forget that she helped Ruggerio steal from us.  They forget that she screwed women over whenever possible.  They forget that she now only supported Narducci, she defended his attack against the homeless.  When she wasn’t doing all that, she was a vote the rest of the grifting crew could count on.  Now she’s gone and I guess Mr. Bissaillon is supposed to fill that role as well no matter what his beliefs are.

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