Inviting Planned Parenthood To The Norfolk, Nebraska Party

20 July 2023

CEO Alexis McGill Johnson

Planned Parenthood

P.O. Box 97166

Washington, DC  20090

Dear CEO Johnson:

I hope this message finds you well.  With any luck, you have escaped some of the silliness lately and found your way to the shoreline.  It is much more peaceful there.

Thank you for the way you run Planned Parenthood.  I say this because here in Rhode Island, we have a mess in our off season Congressional Race.  Somebody got endorsed because she’s Pro Choice herself but everybody forgot that a bunch of forced birth pigs were on the team backing her.  Of course the forced birth faction has been caught forging signatures.

I am writing to you because up to now, I have not heard you talk about Norfolk, Nebraska.  I am finally at a point where I feel the things I have done can be expanded upon.  I’ve been waiting patiently for this day over a few months now.

Before I “invite you in” there are some things about me you should know.  I am what happens when a 34 year old and a 13 year old have a relationship.  It gets better.  They were brother and sister.

My Catholic family at the time was simultaneously dead set against abortion but not interested in preventing my grandfather, kinda weird when they’re a “both” instead of “maternal” or “paternal”, from killing me once I was born.  My mom was sent to a boarding school.  I was immediately given up for adoption.

I was adopted by a Catholic family.  While my mom regularly invited folks over to watch “The Silent Scream” in the early 70’s, I also spent a lot of time in Catholic schools.  It’s amazing how Pro Choice the Faithful Companions of Jesus, Benedictines, and Jesuits are when you get them alone.  Much like 68% of adoptees are Pro Choice, because we know what our mom’s went through, so our most Catholics.

The number would actually be higher if we told the truth about Matthew 5:17 and what it means in its original translation.  The number would be higher if we talked about Jesus’ actions in the Centurion story showing us he was cool with gay people.  The number would be higher if we got honest about the word describing the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene in Greek being translated loosely as “friends with benefits”.  Jesus loved both sexes equally and the Trinity did not intend to enslave one gender via sex.

Earlier this year, I heard about the arrest and negotiations in Norfolk, Nebraska. I immediately contacted the Chamber of Commerce there.  I intentionally filed a FOIA, instead of a Nebraska Public records request, in case they tried to indicate that the records were “secret”.  The Chief has “educated me” since.  Now, I’m officially refiling under Nebraska law with the Chief and the lead Prosecutor.  I have already received a flash drive containing the city’s grant applications and other matters.

The Chief says he wants $500 for the records.  You and I both know there’s no way they actually cost that much but I figure in his town, that number scares people.  I know full well that once I obtain whatever he has then I can figure out what it really should have cost and buy paid media so the folks in the Town can see up close and personal how poorly he represents them.

While it is true that I am a freelancer who likes to write, I also have a book on the way to stores.  Figuring I file next week or so, I put the money in the budget for about two weeks from now.  I guess I’m not scared.

If you know women who are mad because they had to travel to get an abortion, I’m thinking of 1 raped 10 year young lady old Jim Jordan still owes an apology to, this is where they can get in.  They can also get in if they’ve had to watch somebody else scramble their lives to engage in health care.  Heck, they can get in if they’re just angry.

In the past couple of decades, I’ve run two Art On shows in Utica and Newport.  This September I plan to run a 3rd here in Warwick.  When I run the shows, I only charge $20 for an internet ad.  People always ask, “Why don’t you charge more??”

My reply is simple.  At $20 bucks, everyone feels like they can get in.  That act builds more community feeling.  The same would be true here.  If folks are upset that a young lady and her daughter are losing their freedom because cops decided to dig up a not ready for primetime fetus, they can come to my website, hit the contributions page, and donate $2 or $3.  Keep it nice and small because that way it becomes an everybody onboard thing.  If I end up with more than $500, I am sure there will be plenty of paperwork to file, members of the Chamber of Commerce are next, and then we’re onto South Carolina where Christofascists there are pulling the same garbage.

Spending $2 or $3 is way better than occupying space and time on social media.  It will feel better than screaming.  It is obviously a better alternative to doing nothing.

I have a rule that I try to avoid messing with Officers actually on the job.  When you play the tape forward, that always leads to a bad conclusion.  There is an Officer here in Rhode Island who assaulted someone at a choice rally who is trying to get me to break that rule.  Meanwhile, Police Chiefs are political in nature and looking at/interacting with their family members various financial interests comes with no dispirit side effects.

Members of the Chamber of Commerce would follow.  I am especially interested in interacting with Norfolk located businesses that rely on blue state enterprises for supply chains, insurance, and banking.  These are the easiest, and least expensive ways, to get someone’s attention.

Yes, Michelle Obama did say, “When they go low, we go high”.  Sounds nice.  However, no consequences means military appointments aren’t made, it means the words “colored people” are used on the House Floor, it means MTG can show revenge porn in a hearing, it means Robert Kennedy Jr. can blame Jewish folks for COVID, it means women will be denied health care on a national scale if we are not careful.  The way we fix this is we make examples, via the free market so we do not break any laws, out of Norfolk, Nebraska and the next town after that in South Carolina and then somewhere in Iowa probably to send a resolute message that women control their own bodies.  If not even Jesus actually backs up what they claim, why are we tolerating any of this??

If you want in at any level, please let me know.  I’m not trying to steal your space.  I’m just sick and tired of Republicans pulling one disgusting stunt after another and we act like we’re too good to get dirty.  When I first got involved in politics at age 5, I was taught “If they can’t beat us in the alleys, they won’t beat us at the polls.  Over time, I learned how to use the free market as a way to achieve those goals.

The only thing a bully responds to is a bat.  Based on what we have seen in the last week, can you imagine what another week of inaction will produce??  On the other hand, if we create a financial dumpster fire in Nebraska and then South Carolina and then Iowa, they will have nothing to say.  Blue states pay the bills of red states.  They opened up the door to this when they took on Bud Light and Target.  We’re just using municipalities for our fun.

Yes, I will not hate you if you decide that Planned Parenthood should stick to a “We’re better than that” strategy even though going down that path has cost millions of women their right to access health care.  I just hope this letter makes enough women angry that they do something.  As a guy, I understand if the universe takes over my something and turns it into something else that the universe feels women will be more comfortable with.  My health care has not actually been affected. All I can do is put out strongly worded suggestions.

We also must keep in mind that the Republican Party is literally dying.  Folks living in red counties are twice as likely to die from COVID complications than folks living in blue counties.  About 60% of them are boomers aging themselves off the planet.  This is not good news for their long term history.  Then again, anything that is 60% boomer, 39% illiterate, and 1% billionaire living off the system the Founders created will not do well for long.  When we get this battle settled, we can then go on and use the free market to toss the Electoral College.  Imagine a world where a Republican President can never be elected again even if we choose to run someone on a ventilator.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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