Senator Ruggerio Brings Negative Attention To His Parish

1 February 2023

Realtor Deb Houghton

Deb Houghton Real Estate

1417 Douglas Avenue

North Providence, RI  02904

Dear Ms. Houghton:

I hope this message finds you well.  With the exception of this coming Friday, winter temperatures have been especially mild this year.  I hope that has made it easier to do what you do.

Senator Ruggerio is always a center of attention because he violates basic principles of the Democratic Party.  We are always looking to close the churches these centers of attention attend.  Our efforts paid off in North Providence.  3 churches are being melded into 1.  Yes, two are technically “still open” but that will only last a little while.  Now we get to the “reach out to the bulletin advertisers” phase.  Normally we do a lottery but in your case, you were the only real estate firm in our sample.

Why real estate firms??  Because they have to advertise what you’re trying to sell.  Because they have open houses where actors can show up.  Because we can ask them to take us to a property actually listed by another firm before silliness ensues.  Nothing violent at all; just silly and expensive.  The pic I’m using for this blog is of a property listed by another firm found on your website.  By the way, that feature of your website is awesome.  If anybody is looking for a truly interactive map, I’m sending them to you.

Your website is an absolute pleasure to work with compared to many.  I also liked the page where you spoke directly to your potential customers.  Most striking of all is that you attended RISD.  I’m sure reflections of that experience show up in your sales presentation.  

In case you’re wondering, before there was blog advertising and writing for hire, there was timeshare.  Before timeshare, there was floor covering.  Before floor covering, I was a realtor.

I just want you to ask yourself one question.  In the modern era post Dobbs, do I really want my business connected to a Catholic Church in the Providence Diocese??  I’m a Catholic.  Like 68% of us, I’m Pro Choice.  Like many, I want nothing to do with the Providence Diocese.  It is a hub for pedophilia and discrimination.  Every week as Catholics, we say the words of a big fan of gay sex right before Communion.  The original translation of Matthew 5:17 tells us Jesus was Pro Choice.  Bishop Tobin hates women, hates gay folks, protects pedophiles.  That’s not what Jesus was about.

In your case, not only are you tied to a Catholic Parish but it’s the Parish where Senator Ruggerio and Representative Corvese attend Church.  Yes, the Senator exchanges political favors for sex all week and then attends your church on Sunday.  What happens if the EACA or the assault weapons ban or both fail??  Who will that bring attention to??  Your church.  What is the easiest way to motivate your church??  Play around with the bulletin advertisers.  Which advertisers are the easiest to play with without doing anything violent or even coming close to breaking the law??  Real estate salespeople.

Turn it up a notch.  Imagine a red state arresting a young lady or a doctor.  I can tell you there is a plan for that and it involves churches in blue states.  Once again, only the free market needs to be invoked and laws need not be broken.  While all that is true, imagine the intensity after an arrest.

In North Providence, there is one other thing going on.  If you examine the attendance numbers and contribution levels of the 3 churches involved in the “meld”, obviously the wrong one was kept open.  It can be argued that Bishop Tobin left your church open because of the help he got violating the law from Senator Ruggerio.  That will only make people angrier.

I understand that 68% of Parishoners think like I do.  I understand that most bulletin advertisers feel as I do.  I get it that you wanted to be part of the community or the advertising was a way to tell God you appreciate what he’s done in your life.  However, with an organization as creepy as the Providence Diocese, a line has to be drawn.  Oh, you think it’s not “creepy”??  Considering the pedophilia rate in the Providence Diocese, are you absolutely sure you’ve never received a Host with ejaculate or fecal material on it because the priest was involved in said activities just before Mass and forgot to wash his hands??  Transubstantiation is wicked cool but I’m not sure it handles ejaculate and fecal material.

We originally started a program like this over at St. Lucy’s due to Senator DiPalma.  Then we had a chance to financially close a number of Parishes and that is under way.  Today, Speaker Shekarchi named a Deputy Speaker who signed a heartbeat bill.  The Deputy Speaker is bound to say something moronic.  I’m not saying you have to pull your ad today or else.  I am saying you need to read the room.  No one wants to see you lose money because Senator Ruggerio wants everyone publicly to think he loves the church while privately he has paid for an abortion or two.

I wish we had a Supreme Court that respected women.  I wish we had a Republican Party that wasn’t a cult.  I wish our own Catholic Church would toss the mistranslations, contradictions, and stolen stories out of the Bible.  We really need to do Nicea and Trent over again.  I wish a Bishop would stand up and say, “Jesus was Pro Choice and cool with gay people just like most Catholics are.”  Until we get to that point, the free market is available to us if we need it.  So ask yourself again, “Is tying my firm to a Catholic Parish the best bet right now??”

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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