I Will Be Spending Election Day With The Spirit Of Caleb Mott

So the plan for today is first make sure you know when you are going to vote.  Once you do that, Djed wants you to work on building your pillar if you’re a guy and to rehearse your celebratory dance if you are a young lady.  Legend has it that the higher the pillar gets, often taller than 100 feet (how they did that without ladders is beyond me) the wilder the dancing evolves.  Therefore, you have motivation.  Djed wants to make planning to vote as part of the ceremony this year.  He doesn’t ask for much so I think we can help him out.

Monday November 7th: Did a Westerly Priest show up at a School Committee meeting??  In violation of their tax exemption yet again??  Ok, we will fix it.

Tuesday November 8th: Before you read this, get your vote in.  This week, McKee screwed over the RI Department of Education.  How does he make such decisions?? 

Wednesday November 9th:  Mike Cernovich wrote a blog back during Gamer Gate that has helped me unemploy a bunch of alt right types.  I couldn’t have done it without him.  He needs a thank you.

Thursday November 10th: The Election went the way it did by now.  We need to show some media outlets that we still control the free market.  Just asking for public records can do that.

Friday November 11th: American Catholicism is in for a tough time.  68% of us want change but are still Catholic.  Before the ugliness begins, an apology is in order.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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