Maybe The Mormons Are Just Better Than You When It Comes To Recruiting

31 August 2022

The Most Reverend Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone

Archdiocese of San Francisco

One Peter Yorke Way

San Francisco, CA  94109

Dear Archbishop Cordileone:

I hope this message finds you well.  My Higher Power and I have a rule.  I’m not allowed to take pleasure in anyone else’s suffering unless I caused it.  That means I have a responsibility to help others, especially stay sober and/or manage their mental illnesses 24 hours at a time, whether I agree with them or not.

What you did in trying to deny Communion to the House Speaker was beyond disgusting for a number of reasons.  We can tell that it was entirely politically motivated since you did not try it with anyone else.  This is a clear direction not to do it again.

68% of Catholics are Pro Choice.  Why??  There are two reasons.  First, we know an all loving God would not create a gender that could be enslaved via their own bodies.  God loves everyone equally.  Sadly, a fetus cannot survive on its own.  Since a choice has to be made, that is the way it goes.

More importantly, we know Jesus was Pro Choice.  His only statement on abortion was Matthew 5:17.  Whether you prefer the Aramaic or the Greek version, we still have Jesus endorsing or fulfilling a law that contains abortion without making an exception.  That is a rather clear direction to most of us.

It also makes sense to point out that Jesus was also cool with gay people.  It is the ultimate case of irony that we as Catholics say the words of a gay man right before Communion and then are told to hate gay people by a priest who has a pretty good chance of having his own ejaculate or an altar boy’s fecal material on his hands at the moment of substantiation.  The Centurion, the woman at the well, Jesus’ hookup Mary Magdalene were all big fans of gay sex as original translations teach us.

Yes, you do have the “freedom” to ignore the mistranslated mess that the Bible is, not to mention your own version of “all loving”, and teach whatever you like.  The boundary comes in the moment you suggest a political leader has to act a certain way.  Want to throw us all out??  You’ll be left with racist Boomers on fixed incomes and Incel Groyper types who deliver pizzas.  It should be noted that there is nothing wrong with delivering pizza but 90% of these folks never get beyond that level.  You’ve closed how many parishes in the 5 years alone??  Imagine tripling that number in one year.

You also have a problem with your tax exemption.  There is a  “no political activity” rule attached to it.  Based on the current state of affairs, due to bigots and sexists like you in leadership positions, the loss of the tax exemption would also be traumatic for the church as a whole.

You should know about what is going on here in Rhode Island.  For decades now, the Providence Diocese and local labor organizations have had a partnership to help elect one wing of the Democratic Party.  The forced birth pigs that get elected from this marriage are worthless.  They only help out labor leadership instead of the front line worker and assist in burying pedophilia cases on behalf of the church.  We don’t even want these freaks living in our state never mind serving in Office with “D’s” in front of their names.

For that reason, we have folks now going to church just to record homilies.  We have written to the tax fraud unit about what we’re doing.  We have written to the Board of Elections about what we are doing.  Lord knows we are going to catch multiple people and then file multiple complaints.  The goal is to extinguish the Pedophile riddled Providence Diocese’s tax exemption since they never follow the rules.

Once we learn how to do this in Rhode Island, we can take this show on the road.  Anywhere some church leader gets a little too mouthy or pedophilia becomes a bigger problem that it is supposed to be, we have an antidote.  You brought this on yourselves via your own disgusting behavior and need to insult our collective intelligence.

As Catholics, we are supposed to be the smart church.  We know the Old Testament is just a bunch of stories stolen from other cultures, see Noah and Eve, inspired by a “God” who has a huge thing for incest, see Lot and Noah and Eve with her 3 sons.  By the way, Lilith would like a word.

Most of us are educated and can read.  We know about translation errors.  We know about silliness like when Jesus spends 3 years in the womb in Luke or when the Bible contradicts itself regarding how Judas died or what the actual Resurrection Day was.  We know that Constantine incorporated Paganism, starting with the dates, into every holiday we have.  We know that some Books which should be in the Bible, see the Gospel of Thomas, are not.

If you want to hang out with illiterate white trash so your racism, sexism, and bigotry sell easier, due what Billionaires do and group Evangelicals together.  They buy Jesus walking around with an AR-15 on a Saturday afternoon because there’s nothing else to do.  Most of them don’t even get the irony of a 6th grader putting a picture of Thor on his fridge and getting hit with “you committed an abomination” when he could have enslaved one of his female cousins raping her in the process and the 10 Commandments would have been totally cool with that.

The Christofascist pigs are pretty upset by Mr. Biden’s speech last night.  Guess they didn’t truly understand how badly they are outnumbered.  Of course the Founders tripping all over themselves to take care of the wishes of slave states got us where we are today.  If the Archbishop of Montana gig opens, that would be the job for you.

We have the same kind of thing as we do in the county.  Blue states are varied, educated, and can pay their own bills.  Same is true for a lot of inner city and suburban churches.  Red states are filled with racist boomers and illiterates.  Urine can be traded for property in most of them.  Much like people from those states do not contribute much and only serve to embarrass us, while we pay their bills, people in church leadership like you trying to enslave women in 2022 only serve to embarrass us.

I am willing to bet, if we looked at church economics, we would see the same story play out.  All of us in the cool parishes where we recognize each other being part of the 68% are probably doing fine.  Those in the parishes you want are struggling with cash.

What do we want at the end of the day??  We want Jesus’ words and God’s Creation to be respected.  Sleep with whomever you want, virginity is so stupid and woman hating, be whatever you want.  Same for priests.  Get married, have boyfriends or girlfriends, do whatever provided that when you are in a relationship, you are true to your partner.  God created women and gay people.  They should see themselves reflected in the priesthood.  Then again, some of the pedophile priests are gay but they’re not allowed to say it.  I have yet to hear of a pedophile priest interested in little girls trying to marry one but maybe we should just give it time.  It could just be that the Mormons are doing a better job recruiting.

What else do we want??  The Priest turned back around.  Yes, I was taught by the Jesuits and attended all Catholic schools, but the Mass should be in Aramaic, not Latin.  Nicea and Trent have to be done over again.  My favorite Easter story when the cross talks in the Gospel of Thomas needs to be read at Mass.  All the sexism and bigotry even in the readings has to disappear.  Then we will have a church we are all worthy of.

I guess the short term message while we get this done even if it means an American Schism is “Don’t Piss us off.”  Between Trump and you creeps, not to mention this easy to run out of the building because they’re so disgusting Supreme Court, we’ve had enough.  We are not as stupid as your base and we are working on techniques to create change.  Due to how pathetically you are outnumbered, a lesson the Republican Party will learn this year, you can’t do anything about it.  Yes, you could exCommunicate me but not only would millions leave, seeing what you did to me as doing it to them, but a Jesuit, Benedictine, Faithful Companion of Jesus, or Paulist would take care of me the next day just like everybody else.

There is one other thing you should know.  I am the product of incest and rape.  I can be happy that my mom chose to bring me to term while hating everything that happened to her and others like her simultaneously.  That’s why us adopted folks favor Pro Choice 80% of the time.  It’s not about “suicide”.  It is about making sure that what happened to our moms doesn’t happen to anybody else unless the mom in question wants to have the baby.  We’re already motivated and looking for payback.  Make sure you think about us before opening your mouth.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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