Those Who Write Heartbeat Bills Are Not Welcome In The Democratic Party

9 July 2022

Honorable State Of Rhode Island General Assembly Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi

Office of the Rhode Island General Assembly Speaker

Rhode Island State House, Room 323

Providence, RI  02903

Honorable Speaker Shekarchi:

I hope this message finds you well.  It was a pretty decent session.  You continue to carry yourself in a way that makes us proud.

There was just one thing missing.  There was no vote on the EACA.  Yes, you’re going to tell me you voted yes on the RPA but without the EACA, not everybody gets what they need.

When this kind of thing goes on, it makes us all wonder if actions and words are matching.  You say lots of nice things.  You even voted the right way when given the opportunity.  However, if you’re truly with us, there are so many actions you still need to take.

You have a tendency to keep creeps around you.  Hull who has done disgusting things is high up in the leadership.  (In case you’re wondering, forced birth pigs who put D’s in front of their names don’t get called Rep. or anything else)  Serpa hangs out with known Trump supporters, had a former Clinton field coordinator arrested on false charges, yeah that was me, and screwed everybody over with her sham ILO Group investigation and the joke legislation that followed.  Corvese and Perez might as well wear MAGA hats into the House Chambers.

That brings us to heartbeat bill McLaughlin.  Totally disgusting, obviously illiterate, worthless to the Party.  When are you going to tell people to kindly not vote for him??

Please note I am not asking you to endorse his opponent.  Yes, I will take a Coalition member of a forced birth pig pretender any day, but in your position endorsing such a person can be expensive.  We should only allow ourselves so many DSA leaning folks.  I happen to like making money and want to keep our economy on track.

By taking the simple act of telling folks to vote for anyone else they like instead of McLaughlin, even the Republican – we can afford like another 18 in the House, you are pointing out that hating women is wrong.  You are standing up for those of us who have had our lives threatened while escorting women into health care clinics – yeah, that’s me again.  You are reminding everyone that Jesus makes only one statement on abortion, Matthew 5:17, and both translations are Pro Choice.  You are reminding everyone that we have Separation for a reason.  In Rhode Island, along with the Separation concept comes that idea that we have tolerated way too much pedophilia activity engaged in by the Providence Diocese.

I have no doubt McLaughlin is going to be like Serpa.  He is going to get rattled and try to get me arrested.  I will beat the case again.  Then I will sue Johnston, and its fake fetus boy Polisena, the same way I am now planning to sue West Warwick if Serpa stays in the race.

Please note, if you cannot bring yourself to do this, while disappointed we still have a plan.  For instance, Casales Auto Body gave McLaughlin $1,000.  I have had license plate teams there multiple times.  We have also APRA’d/FOIA’d a large number of public records.  When the time comes, we will present the lesson that says donating to a forced birth pig can become rather expensive.

I suppose this would be a good time to point out the resources issue.  For the forced birth pigs, they have Rhode Island Labor, after normal grifting is subtracted, and whatever the Catholic Church can raise from baby boomers on fixed incomes.  On my side, I can outdo that tenfold in New York City alone.  Do you think people get angry when they hear about MAGAts??  Tell them you live in a place where forced birth pigs put on Democratic Party Member costumes and watch the reaction.

In a world where Roe was overturned, regardless of our local laws, forced birth pigs shouldn’t be welcome in our state, never mind in our General Assembly.  Jesus is on the side of Choice since he values his own creation.  The pigs only want to live out a fantasy where they can all have wives and multiple mistresses regardless of their own level of attraction.  Ruggerio is a great example of this disgusting life view.  You can put Ruggerio under the spotlight again just by telling folks to stay away from McLaughlin.  That and an EACA vote would create more backers for you than you could ever imagine.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


3 thoughts on “Those Who Write Heartbeat Bills Are Not Welcome In The Democratic Party

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  1. So the reference to Christ in Matthew is incorrect.

    Jewish law at the time prohibited infanticide and abortion in contrast to Paganism.


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