Will Salvatore Pick His Actions Or His Words

19 May 2022

Honorable Providence City Councilman David A. Salvatore

Candidate for State Senate

711 Academy Avenue

Providence, RI  02908

Honorable Councilman Salvatore:

I hope this message finds you well.  Congratulations on your decision to run for State Senate.  That takes courage all by itself no matter how you get there.

I am writing this letter to you in part due to what we see.  Right now, you look like another Ruggerio crony trying to take a Senate seat so he can stay Senate President.  Most of us find that to be disgusting.  Worse, Jo-ann Ryan did not do you any favors with the way she ran last cycle.

The original plan was to see which realtors in your District were closest to the Rhode Island Association of Realtors’ leadership.  Then we were going to make a mess out of some listings.  Real estate salespeople are always the easiest to mess with.  My desire to be involved in politics is one of the reasons I gave up my salesperson’s license 25 years ago.

Thankfully for you, especially one particular lawyer in your office that you now pretty much owe your life to, things were put on hold for a little while.  The folks around you said you were Pro choice.  They said they were extremely proud of the resolution you put forward which I’m going to post on the blog immediately following the posting of this letter so folks can see what you said.  They said you were a good guy.

So on one hand, we have testimony from friends and your words.  On the other hand, we have your actions.  We need your actions to change in 3 specific ways or we are going to treat you like a forced birth pig who just throws a (D) in front of his name to get elected, see Senators DiPalma and Goodwin or Rep. Serpa for examples, which might actually be worse than the way then we would treat a Trump supporter since they are honest in their need to be disgusting.

We need you to denounce Ruggerio like today.  We want a vote in the Senate on the EACA today.  We want you to tell us you will not vote for him for Senate today.  If you are truly Pro Choice, you would never support a woman hating, gay hating, trans kid hating forced birth pig, in this case who speaks like he has a 6th grade education, for Senate President.  If you are truly Pro Choice, the internal conflict that vote would create should destroy you in seconds.

We need you to support choice in all your actions.  No appearances with pigs at all.  You need to say you are against a school named for Narducci.  You need to avoid the disgusting pedophilia protection service known as the Knights of Columbus.  When not protecting pedophile priests, they transport people to threaten women on the way into clinics.  In some cases, the women are only there for cancer screenings.  The illiterates from the Knights of Columbus threaten them anyway.  I’ve escorted women into clinics.  I get death threats from the forced birth pig side every couple of days ago.  Hanging in any way with the Knights of Columbus gets expensive.  Nor surprisingly, Narducci is a Knight.

Then we have to ask you to avoid repeating the Jo-ann Ryan experience.  The moment she started running as a Ruggerio surrogate, she forgot everything she had ever said before.  She also took a check from the President of the LaSalle Board so they could have a tax break she never got to vote on because we made sure she got crushed in the Primary.

If you fail on the action side of the ledger, we will reinstate the consequences.  When a realtor asks us why they lost a commission or a listing entirely or why fake buyers showed up at an open house and make a mess, we will tell them to look at your actions regarding Choice.  

If you want further examples, watch what the criminal known as Father Healey is about to go through.  All of East Greenwich’s grants have been APRA’d, FOIA’d, and FOIL’d for future “interaction with fun and games”.  Lawyers are volunteering to retire plea bargains resulting from East Greenwich arrests.  Campaign finance complaints and complaints against the Providence Diocese’s tax exemption are in the works.  Like Ruggerio and a few others, his house will be visited by those who want to make his opinion known.  His homilies are going to be recorded starting this weekend.  A background check is being done regarding this wannabe pedophile adjacent politician that has led us down some weird roads in Pennsylvania.  Turning him into an example shall be enjoyable.

However, maybe in your life 2 other things matter to you.  The first would be your friends.  Do you want them to look at you like a forced birth pig who lied to them??  When you are discovered to just be a Ruggerio crony, don’t you think their friends will ask your friends why they got suckered??  Do you want your friends suffering in their circles?

Perhaps the most important person not to disappoint lives with you.  We all know she already got the, “Well honey . . .it’s politics . . .sometimes we take votes knowing it will fail in the end . . .sometimes we take votes for the cash . . it’s not really what I believe, trust me” speech.  That works for some.  However, isn’t your wife an educator at the college level??  The moment you do something forced birth pig like, you don’t think she’s going to hear it from her colleagues??  Do you like sleeping on the couch??  You like ruining the bonds of trust you two have built over time??  Is a gig in the Senate, just to be Ruggerio’s bitch, worth all that especially when you’re voting against what you believe daily or in this case letting Ruggerio delay a vote everyone wants to see??

We need answers as we have so many pigs to play with.  We haven’t even gotten to the Trump supporters yet that are out there.  We certainly haven’t gotten to filth like Rep. McLaughlin who says he’s a Democrat but filed a heartbeat bill.  I can’t wait to tell him to his face that I can create a heartbeat in a petri dish.

I suppose there was a time when we could ignore where some Rhode Island Democrats stood on major issues.  I’m one of those fiscally conservative, socially liberal, cool with blowing stuff up in somebody else’s country people.  Funny, I have no problem voting for peaceniks or folks that want to spend a little more than I would like.  However for a whole bunch of reasons, starting with my own creation story which begins with a 34 year old raping his 13 year old sister, the moment someone goes down a socially conservative path, I want them to live somewhere else as in not in my country somewhere else.  Do you really wanna have to show up at an open house on a Sunday just because we’re having fun in response to you being unable to shake someone as untalented and uneducated as Ruggerio??  You can do better.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira


Warwick, RI

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