Email Just Sent To The East Greenwich Council President About His Community’s Grant Applications

Dear Mr. Schwager,

What were you thinking??

The same human who screws over women, gay folks, and trans kids (yes, his Twitter has RT’s of attacks against trans kids) on behalf of the Diocese is going to be your Police Department’s Chaplain??  Seriously??  Did you even do a background check on Bernie Healey??  He shows great support for pedophiles in his blogs.  Wonder why that is??

So the Campaign Finance Complaint, Ethics Complaint, Tax Exemption Violation Complaint, and any other ways we can challenge these obvious conflicts of interest are all being drafted.

Meanwhile, we are chasing down every grant application your community has filed in the last 3 years.  We are are going to grind your grant revenue into dust.  This human doesn’t even deserve to live next to other Rhode Islanders.  Mississippi would be a better home for him.

Due to the lack of a vote on the EACA, Senator Ruggerio’s house is already on the “Where we gonna protest list”.  Thanks to this creep, we just added 3rd Street in your community.  

If you have any local statutes regarding the conduct of protests, please pass them along.  While I enjoy using the free market to destroy the lives of bigoted filth, I respect the law and local law enforcement.  Someone should have advised your Chief long ago that was a bad idea.  Now it’s just expensive.  Now you can tell the taxpayers that a person who may have committed pedophilia, he has some strange connection to Pennsylvania we’re looking at, is the one who drove their taxes up.

We are a blue state.  We will respect women.  We will respect choice.  This human is no different than a pig who wants non white folks to sit at different lunch counters.  Expect him to be treated accordingly.

One last thought.  Rep. Serpa got mad when I held her accountable in 2020.  She asked a racist Trump supporter to lie about me to the cops.  I got arrested.  Thankfully, I have a lawyer so I beat the case.  Any morning, I could get up on the wrong side of the bed and sue West Warwick for funskies.  Everything I do is lawyer reviewed.  When my people are anywhere, lawyers are just seconds away.  Kindly keep that in mind.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have an outstanding day

Bobby O


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