The ILO Group And Mayor Lombardi Get Told We Want Our Money Back

16 January 2022

Honorable Mayor Charles A. Lombardi

Office of the North Providence Mayor

North Providence Town Hall

2000 Smith St.

North Providence, RI  02911

Managing Partner Julia Rafal-Baer

ILO Group

251 Norwood Avenue

Cranston, RI  02905

Honorable Mayor Lombardi and Ms. Rafal-Baer:

I hope this message finds you well.  While I disagree with both of you on policy issues, I definitely believe people deserve a second chance after “righting a wrong”.  In Mayor Lombardi’s case, we’re talking about multiple wrongs.

I’m guessing that before Governor McKee became Governor, you two hadn’t met.  Now that you have, we are all worse off.  Our schools are a mess.  The reason Mayor Lombardi presented over the sham hearing that hired the ILO Group in the first place was to keep that from happening.

By the way, we have plenty of examples of other School Districts doing just fine thank you so trying to place this on the pandemic will not work.  When you decided to take $2 million more than you were entitled to, you signed a contract of trust.  By the way, what was Mayor Lombardi’s cut again??  I think the state should send him a 1099 so he reports it correctly on his taxes.

It should be noted that we can tell the ILO Group is new at this.  Your side let an illiterate Trump supporting forced birth pig who speaks like a 3rd grader to Chair the meeting.  I suppose it would be fun if we could get Mayor Lombardi and Senate President Ruggerio to speak together at more events and we could take bets on who was going to come off less educated.  Lombardi gets to talk about condoms, Ruggerio gets to talk about journalists stalking children, it will be awesome.  However, I don’t think a number of these events will raise the amount you owe us.

Mayor Lombardi almost has zero problems since he has no shame.  He’s just a grifter thinking he’s living in a C grade mafia movie on a Saturday afternoon in the 70’s.  We’re going to have to go to some pretty extreme measures to make him feel remorse for this act.

The moment you saw Lombardi was the Chair, Ms. Rafael-Baer you should have walked your team out.  You had no cover.  However, that’s not the only amateur thing you’re doing.  We all know it was Magee who told you, “Don’t worry, McKee has it covered.  Just answer the questions and you’ll get the contract including a tidy little bonus”.  

Did Magee also tell you never to rent an Office??  There are a number of Recovery meetings in your neighborhood, in fact I’m attended one last night, so just driving by to see if I want a new photo is easy.  We did exactly that last night around 8:45 pm.  However, since you’re just an amateur and not a Professional grifter along the lines of Representative Pat Sepa, I would rather post an office pic.  Instead, even with this blog, I’m going to have to post a pic of that happy 251, as in 251 Norwood, that sits on your door.

Please don’t think that just because you’re an amateur we will spend all our time on you.  Just recently, I asked an architect friend of Lombardi’s to give him up.  We’re searching through old media, contributors list, and even family members looking for somebody to bring down the avalanche.

We want our money back from both of you.  The ILO Group did not perform.  Mayor Lombardi shouldn’t get a “commission” if the contract isn’t fulfilled.  I would love to schedule a sit down, preferably here in the great city of Warwick and if you want to go to Newport for the day I could understand that too, where everyone’s lawyers sit around and work out a payment schedule.

Something else is working unfairly against the ILO Group in this situation.  See The Bishop??  You know, the pedophile ring leader that Gene Valicenti raises money for??  Yeah, him.  He’s still roaming the streets.  The Attorney General should have put him away a while ago.  The fact that he has not done so means we can get a little extra aggressive.  If we happen to step over a line, we can look the jury square in the face and say, “While the Attorney General is too busy for corruption.  In a COVID environment, this amount of tax money is meaningful to some folks.”

Right now, all that is planned is some folks on the Left want to hold a protest at your house because you don’t have an Office.  Because Trump supporters are easy to make fun of, I had to detail certain activities you might see at the protest to the Cranston Public Works Department.  Many of us believe there is a much easier way.

Ms. Rafal-Baer, you have a significant other, do you not??  He likes solar panels and things if I remember right.  So Mr. Mayor, if we mess with the solar panel enterprise, how long before she gives you up??  Remember, we already established her amateur status so she may not even know what Omerte is.

So you don’t even have to bother, I’m sending this letter to the Attorney General.  If he doesn’t like my tone, I’m sure he can indict me.  However, just like what happened to Representative Serpa when she asked a racist Trump supporter to lie about me, I will end up winning and garner political capital from that.  That doesn’t even count the publicity.  I wrote about situations like this to the Capitol Police in DC more than a year ago.  Trump supporters aren’t catching jury verdicts.  Ms. Rafael-Baer, in order to join them in stealing from us, you needed to be compromised too.  Having Mayor Lombardi “supervise” your efforts did exactly that.

Mr. Lombardi, this is one of those cases where maybe you should look for an “honorable solution”.  We’re going to get to somebody sooner or later.  You really think after an indictment, you won’t try to make things better for yourself by bitching??  The whole world thinks you’re just like your hero Trump in that you will snitch in 30 seconds.  I have 33 arrests, 3 indictments, and only 8 convictions without ever snitching.  Probably why I never got arrested as a refined cocaine product sales manager.  The difference is my parents cared about my education so I got good legal counsel.  I’m also something you and Senator Ruggerio continue to display you are not: loyal.

There’s other bad news for both of you.  Polisena is bringing in a new “secret” project to Johnston which makes people want Amazon to fail more.  Fake fetus boy just doesn’t understand how the average woman sees him and his son.  We know there is an Amazon/ILO crossover.  Mr. Mattiello got named by Lifespan’s lobbying company.  There’s a Lifespan/McKee crossover.  Rep. Amore is a Mattiello pet and running for Secretary of State.  More reason to dig stuff up on Mattiello.  Mattiello is so freaked out by something that after not being able to win his own neighborhood, he wants to run for Governor.  The whole Rhode Island landscape for 2022 is going to be dig, dig, dig, 24/7 dig looking for stuff.  For you two, it’s only a matter of time that somebody discovers something that causes a snitch to give up something on Silva or Magee which brings us right back to the two of you.  How many dice rolls do you think you get??

I suppose I could talk to a lawyer about suing the two of you for non performance but that would take forever.  If you plan to sue me, remember I get discovery.  It would be just like Lombardi to be like Trump and roll out a lawsuit that will never happen.  At least it will be Lombardi’s first time and not like the 20,000th.

The bottom line is the two of you stole from us.  We want our money back.  How do you wish to work that out??  Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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