It’s Somebody’s Birthday Tomorrow

How do you plan to celebrate Mr. Crowley’s Birthday tomorrow??  I’ll walk through a cemetery and just listen.  I’m not saying he was right about everything.  I am saying he was willing to touch boundaries and look.  We need more of that.

Monday October 12th:  One police force has a new coin.  The level of stupid is strong.  However, after the Michigan deal, it cannot be tolerated.

Tuesday October 13th:  When you run a union, you have to make sure that whomever you endorse doesn’t mess up your day job.  That may have happened in New York City.  Let’s reach out to the person who might be feeling the consequences the most.

Wednesday October 14th: Other cops have forgotten that they exist in a blue state.  They think they can roll out red state methodology without consequence.  Meanwhile, the financial background checks in the red states are just coming back.

Thursday October 15th:  Somebody likes to support right wing racist programming.  Somebody holds a public license.  It would be a shame if everybody knew.

Friday October 6th: Bishop Tobin should never be your friend.  The moment he comes to your side, you are wrong.  That’s not only here but Europe as well.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week, expect follow-ups and updates along the way.

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