Planting Seeds

How is Lupercalia treating you??  You thought St. Valentine’s Day ended up where it did by accident??  All Christian Holidays, which started as Catholic Holidays, have a Pagan counterpart.  Now if you’re not into “fertility Magic”, you can go sacrifice someone to a dragon and make the Norse Gods happy with you at the same time.


Monday February 17th:  The Bishop put out a statement this week.  Did anyone actually read it?? No, I’m not talking about supporters of Team Pedophilia like Gene Valicenti.  I’m talking about reading it critically.


Tuesday February 18th: Males in Tennessee have a jealousy problem.  Let’s go on offense. You’re going to notice this pattern for a while: request the info, spin off the info, notify someone local of the spin, repeat.  This is a gathering week.


Wednesday February 19th:  This time it’s Mississippi an the core issue is abortion.  I should trademark this technique at some point. Poor Clerk in Mississippi asking, “Who is this Bobby O guy”??


Thursday February 20th: Oklahoma is thinking about an abortion bill too.  We’re already messing with Hobby Lobby. Time to bring the fight a little closer to home.


Friday February 21st:  Somebody made a large mouthed claim about safety.  I wonder if it’s true in reverse. We already know the answer.


Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week, expect follow-ups and updates along the way.


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