The Birth Of The American Schism

8 December 2019


Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap.

Archdiocese of Boston

66 Brook Ave

Braintree, MA  02184


Your Eminence:


I hope this message finds you well.  I’m sorry about the timing but sometimes events dictate that which becomes necessary.  With any luck, you will be able to read this and still be able to celebrate the season of Saturnalia which culminates in the birth of Horus.


I am going to make a controversial request of you.  Some will claim it is backed up by a threat. I can live with that.  However kindly indulge me for a few moments while I tell you who I am as a Catholic.  Then you can properly judge if my request is worthy or not of consideration and execution.


I was the product of rape and incest so I was thrown out of my birth mother’s life on the first day.  After spending eight months rotating through the system, I was adopted by a Portuguese, more specifically Azorean, Catholic family.  We spent our first few months in West Palm Beach where my father was studying nuclear weapons technology. Then we moved for a short time to Fall River, MA and then settled in Tiverton, RI.


I knew every Saint and celebrated every feast day.  My mother used to invite people to come over and watch “The Silent Scream”.  Even at 5 years old, I knew those people were unwell. That’s right about the time I started learning how to be an altar boy.  At 5, I was the youngest altar boy for miles.


I would attend mostly Catholic Schools.  I had the Faithful Companions of Jesus at St. Philomena’s.  I would move from 6th to 7th grade in the same year literally skipping a grade.  I was at Portsmouth Abbey for 9th grade with the Benedictines. I finished High School at Bishop Connolly with the Jesuits.


It was at Connolly in 1983 when my life started to change.  I’m not even sure what the Evangelicals did this one particular day late in my Junior year.  However, 12 of us were taken out of class and into a separate room. We were taught how to blow up any theory based on Sola Scriptura.  They explained to us where to find all the translation errors in the Bible, where it contradicted itself, and where God revealed himself to be somewhat embarrassing for a Deity.  None of that shook my faith. The knowledge made me even stronger.


What I did not know at that time is that mental health wise, I was a mess.  I started drinking at age 10 and doing cocaine, which would later become crack, at age 12.  I was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder at age 5 but I did not know I also suffered from Bipolar 1 Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and developing addictions due to my self medicating.  When you have a 164 IQ, creative skills, and an semi-eidetic memory, you tend not to notice the problems.


Most people with my mental setup kill themselves at age 39.  While I have two almost suicide attempts in hypomania, thank God for Dialetical Behavioral Therapy, compared to people just like me, I do pretty well.  In my life, during a hypomania episode in 2011, I had two accept food stamps for two months.  I would pay the state back a month later.  I have had great sales success including becoming Sales Director at the Newport Bay Club and selling out almost all the available inventory. 


Faith in the Eucharist, not the “church” and definitely not the “priests, keeps me sober everyday. Faith in our Pagan Traditions, a true translation of the Bible and the Apocrypha, when in doubt the levitating Cross story from the Gospel of Thomas always makes me happy, keep me mentally on the right track.


However, I started to notice something.  When Pope Francis got elected, something started to change.  During that process, I was rooting for you because as a kid, you were doing some “Portuguese visitation” trip and I washed your hands.  You also gave me the Eucharist as an adult.  I had never even shaken hands with a potential Pope before. As events turned out, if someone had to beat you, a Jesuit works for me.


Even though a Jesuit as Pontiff excites me, the church through some creepy conservative pedophile types keeps moving away from me.  Pedophile Advocates and haters of women should never be saints yet we did exactly that with Pope John Paul II and Mother Theresa.  Two horribly disgusting people should have just died.


When I was coming up, we were taught to despise the Evangelical Churches and their Sola Scriptura.  Now, since the modern church wants to be older than death, it keeps moving towards them. The church refuses to call out the Old Testament God for being a petty lover of incest, refuses to tell the truth about Lillith, refuses to replace Noah with Gilgamesh, or even better yet the original Sanskrit Story.  The church refuses to call out the 10 Commandments for the abysmal joke they are. Rape is fine but don’t make a hand puppet of the God that loves incest. The church refuses to correct the “6 years in the womb” problem in Luke and the idea that the Resurrection stories do not match. Poor Judas cannot even die the same way depending on what book you read.  Revelations “happened” in 68 AD and the “double rapture” was created on Cape Cod in the 1800’s, yet the Church refuses to mention any of it.


Meanwhile Jesus himself taught us to be Pro Choice, Matthew 5:17, and cool with gay people since he healed two of them and did not ask them to repent.  I find it incredibly ironic that Catholics today repeat the words of a gay man right before Communion each week and then go out and slam gay people.


Because of my political beliefs, I haven’t been part of a parish in decades.  That way no one can “counsel” me. Sometimes I receive Eucharist at a local church and slip quietly out the back, sometimes I visit Jesuit friends.  Same for Confession. Thanks to some priest running his mouth, being a Catholic gets more embarrassing every twenty-four hours. It is the relationship with the Eucharist, the Pagan traditions, the “secrets” where you can find the power.  Somewhere Constantine is laughing his ass off.


I know there are hundreds of thousands like me.  We can recognize each other. We are Eucharist only because the rest is a moronic pile of bigotry hidden behind a version of Christ who never existed.  Each night we get on our knees. I ask to be alive, sober, and sane one more day. I say the Serenity Prayer and then I ask for the American Schism.


In the American Schism, we separate from Rome since that relationship is useless.  If you really need to be aligned with a bunch of conservatively thinking hypocritical pedophiles, can’t you find a Republican group in the United States to do that with??


After the Schism, we are pro choice and pro gay marriage as Jesus commands us to be.  We no longer believe in the incest friendly Old Testament God who discriminates against his own creation and constantly violates free will.  Women and gay people are priests and leaders. Original translation and Pagan traditions are returned. We are honest about the origins, not to mention the dates, of Christmas and Easter.  We reject bigotry in all its forms because it does not follow the path of Christ.


Now imagine for a moment if all the “me’s” came back to the church.  If the me’s don’t, based on the numbers, the American Church may not exist in 50 years.  It might just be a bunch of really ornate basketball and indoor soccer facilities. So do you want to continue down the bigoted path you are meaning the Catholic church goer has a median age of 67 or do you want a rebirth in the true Christ??


There is something you can do to tell us how you feel.  This may not be easy. It might create “personnel” issues and “moving around problems”.  However, it would tell the world you are interested in the type of reform that will keep the church from dying.  If you’re wondering, I can be so bold in my presentation because even if you “Excommunicated” me, there are Jesuit and Paulist fathers ready to take care of my Eucharistic needs.  At the present moment, the rest is a manure show so you do not need anything behind that. You can begin to clean it up by firing Bishop Thomas J. Tobin. We really do not care where you send him.


Why should you fire Bishop Tobin??  The first reason is the most obvious one: Pedophilia.  He loves pedophilia. He will do anything for a priest who will commit pedophilia.  We have no evidence he is into kids himself but there’s plenty of evidence he probably wants to watch.


The Pennsylvania report came out and said he “hid cases” of pedophilia from the police.  In Rhode Island, he conspired with Sue Carcieri and the State Police, read more about that here, in order to keep priests out of trouble.  The Diocese released a list that was supposed to list all the accused and instead, priests were missing from it that were mentioned in the media. That also means some of the victims did not find closure due to Bishop Tobin’s selfishness.


How bad is it??  There’s a priest named Fr. Cardente in North Providence whose name came up during the investigation of another priest.  It turns out Fr. Cardente likes little girls. One has to wonder how many folks in North Providence have received hosts with trace amounts of adolescent female vaginal fluid on them??  I think I’m going to use a photo as Fr. Cardente’s church on the cover of this blog. That way, if anyone is mad at another pedophile not brought to justice, they can go visit Fr. Cardente as a surrogate.


Am I a victim of pedophilia??  Luckily no. I just had to watch a lot when I was an altar boy.  I stayed on the altar until I was 18. Then a few years later, my Vavoa on my mom’s side died.  She loved when I served so I did it one last time. The closest in proximity I ever was to a pedophile happened in high school.  There was a priest I had as a tennis doubles partner in a number of tournaments. A couple of years after I left Connolly, he got drunk and exposed himself to two young boys.  What perplexed me back then is that no matter how I “looked”, I had no problem attracting women.  For some freakish reason, that is still true today.  Yet somehow back then, I could not attract a male 30 years older than me??  That was a perplexing couple of weeks.


The second reason you should dump Bishop Tobin is a set of stats you have that the rest of us do not.  You know what attendance looked like when he got here. You know how much money the church was taking in every week.  How do those stats look now?? If he was the manager of a store, they would have fired him already.


Because I find the current Catholic Church to be a haven for bigotry just like the Evangelical Churches are, I take great joy when one closes.  A little while ago, the oldest church in Woonsocket said its final mass. Woonsocket, as a community,  thinks it is acceptable to be socially conservative so no one roots for Woonsocket.  Then the church closed and everyone smiled inside.


I spent the next day conducting rituals for Baphomet, Moloch, and Astaroth.  I figured that’s the least I could do for the gift that was given. I love it when some Evangelical compares those of us who hate Donald Trump to those figures.  Poor Evangelicals forget they are the reason for the dates of our holidays and how we celebrate them.


The last reason to get rid of Bishop Tobin is politics.  The Rhode Island Democratic Party has not been good to a core constituency, namely women, lately.  The Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate are anti-choice Trump supporters. Why do they get away with it and still call themselves Democrats??  That is about relationships.


A former Speaker, Murphy, put the current Speaker, Mattiello, in the Speaker’s position.  This is why pedophilia does not get investigated, why some financial deals slip by without review,, and why Bishop Tobin does not get run out of town.  As a result, whenever a young lady has a problem with the Party they in turn blame it on the church. The easiest way to express their displeasure is to leave as so many have done.  As if one source of putrid bigotry weren’t enough to make people run away from a church that has no purpose, here in Rhode Island we have two.


The part everyone is sure of is all 3 elements have to exist for it to work.  If Murphy or Mattiello or Tobin fall off by themselves, the other two will follow suit quickly.  You could make an incredible number of people happy all at once by dispatching Bishop Tobin.


This is where we get to the “kinda threat” part.  We are not going to wait. We want Bishop Tobin gone now.  Who wants to look a pedophile advocate everyday with a little hat on trying to pretend he’s holy??


If you do it, it saves on collateral damage.  There are people who will get turned off by the “conflict” that could set in and leave the church.  I want to keep those folks to a minimum. Whatever method we use creates conflict. If we disrupt masses, we create conflict.  If we protest at his office, we create conflict. If we do a background check and go through his family’s life for licenses and permits to disrupt, we create conflict.  If we force church activities to be held to the letter of the law, we create conflict.


I am hoping you will take the peaceful path and dispatch Bishop Tobin the easy way.  Then we can talk about what we need to do to bring about the Schism. No one is going to forget that the Conservative Cardinals invited a White Nationalist to help disrupt a Jesuit Pope.  Of course you can choose to ignore me. If you ignore me, would you like to place a bet on when the next church closes?? (I understand that he’s going to be hard to place because pedophilia turns him on so much.  However, I did not hire him in the first place.)


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your time and consideration.




Robert T. Oliveira


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