Is That What’s Left From Something That Was Torn Down Or The Foundation Of Something That Was Never Built??

In Stamford, Connecticut today.  I thought I would spend most of the day writing after getting the laundry done.  Ended up trying to 12 step some homeless folks. Well, it looked like the beginning of a homeless encampment, instead.  Just a reminder that even though I have my addictions and my mental illnesses, I still get to do cool things.  Not everybody does.

The Governor of Texas pardoned a racist.  What did we do in retaliation??  Nothing.  A bunch of Congresspeople decided that while Congress was in session, they should go up to New York and support the President by dressing alike.   What did we do??  Nothing.  In said case, the judge’s daughter keeps getting attacked.  What have we done about it??  Nothing.  When will we learn that outrage is meaningless and only action matters??

Welcome to the Feast of Brigid.  Find your favorite well and adorn it with flowers.  Then, go dunk yourself.  Get nice and clean.  Then celebrate the fact that you are alive when so many others no longer are.

Monday May 20th:  An event is being held on Boston University property celebrating whom??  Do these people believe in women??  Time to turn this into a circus.

Tuesday May 21st: Republicans like to say weird stuff in public.  Senator Tom Woods of Oklahoma is one of them.  Until we hold people accountable, nothing changes.

Wednesday May 22nd: Have you heard what has been coming out of Mike Flynn’s mouth lately??  Supposedly, he helped write the 2025 nonsense.  How does a certain Rhode Island organization that celebrated him feel about that??

Thursday May 23rd: Certain towns in Tennessee are celebrating the Civil War??  Why do they have access to grants??  Oh, that’s right, I need a list first.

Friday May 24th: So we’re discovering things about the LHC Group.  Their contributions to Rep. Higgins don’t totally make sense.  Maybe someone who did like them once but doesn’t know will come forward if we encourage them??

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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