Is Harry Jim’s Whistleblower Part Deux??

The group seized control of the TJ PTSA and installed “Professor” Jackson as board president. Chaos ensued; he was forced to resign. Proclaiming himself an “accidental activist” and fighter against “Asian Hate,” Dr. Jackson went on to campaign for future Gov Glenn Youngkin who rewarded him by offering a seat on the VA Board of Education, which was never fulfilled.

Does McShane Often Charge $5435 Retainers??

Right now, lawyers on my team are going to decide if a campaign finance complaint is in order.  If you google “campaign finance complaint” or “I need to make a mess out of an election, who do I call” every so often my name comes up so folks reach out to me.  If you’d rather I communicate with your lawyers instead of with you, I’m more than happy to follow those orders.

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