You Never Know What’s Going On In Your Back Yard

22 May 2024

Interim President Kenneth W. Freeman

Boston University

Commonwealth Avenue

Boston, MA  02215

Dear President Freeman:

I hope this message finds you well.  I was up by your Campus the other day.  Everything looked outstanding.

I am writing to you today because on June 22nd the Agganis Arena is going to hold a Life Surge event.  So on your property, a bunch of folks who hate gay people and women are going to gather together trying to raise money for political purposes so they can in turn take rights away from people.  Are you kidding us??

How much do you have to misread the room to not realize that this is a Klan rally without the hoods??  What is it doing in any blue state, never mind on a college campus??  You are supposed to know about knowledge and science and peer-reviewed papers.  You have invited a bunch of fake conspiracy theories spreading science deniers, who intentionally misquote the Bible to back up their beliefs, onto your campus so they can spread hateful and nonsensical messages.  Do you have any standards at all??

Now I suppose, being that you are in Boston, you could roll out, “Gee Bobby, there are a bunch of Irish Catholics who live here.  That they may just like this isn’t irrational.”  Catholics vote Pro Choice and in support of gay people, I’m one, 68% of the time.  The biggest reason for that is Jesus was Pro Choice and cool with gay people, but more on that later.  For now, let’s take the “Well, Irish Catholics might be just as sexist, racist, and bigoted as this crew, so it must be OK” off the table.

By the way, have you just looked at Boston University’s incoming President??  She is a young lady, yes??  She is a young black lady, right??  Was this supposed to be some kind of practical joke??  Did you tell your friends, “Hey, you’re gonna love this, just before the new President takes over, we’re going to invite a bunch of people on company who celebrate rape victims as young as 10 having to bring their babies to term.  Some of them even have Confederate Flags in their houses.”  

Oh, by the way, I am the product of rape and incest who was given up for adoption.  Like Catholics, we vote overwhelmingly for Pro Choice.  It’s not some weird Freudian attempt at time travel suicide.  It is knowing who creeps like the folks who will be speaking on June 22nd treated our moms.  They love to tell us that rape victims still in grade school are mature enough to bring up children and then in the next breath throw the insult “welfare mom – get a job” whenever they see one of these young ladies.

Oh, you need some examples.  Look who is coming to your little event.  Since I brought up kids, we should start with Willie Robertson.  Yes, Duck Dynasty guy.  Not only have numerous discrimination complaints been filed against him, he is on the record as thinking that it is just alright for a man of any age to marry a 14-year-old.  He also believes that rapists should get to choose the mothers of their children.

Then should we talk about Kelsey Grammer or Tim Tebow next??  Both think a woman’s place is shut up in her house.  Both think gay people should be punished just for being gay.  Both support Trump, so both want a Dictator for a day.  You think inviting them to speak, again, not just in a blue city but on a college campus, is not going to draw a reaction??  Since they support someone who is engaged in criminal conduct and since both have engaged in activities the EEOC would find objectionable, the free speech argument is off the table.

Did I promise retaliation??  Why, yes I did.  However, I also promise not to break the law.  I respect the law and local law enforcement too much to engage in that.  In regard to local law enforcement, 77% of the force shouldn’t be disrespected because 23% of the force is on the team for the wrong reasons.  So some of my friends have bought tickets to the event.  However, they won’t be going inside.  They will be gathering license plates.  We find out who owns the cars.  We go looking for real estate licenses first.  You can click here and read this letter about what is about to happen in Charlotte if you are interested in how this story evolves

I would like to live in a world where I don’t have to think of hateful activities going on in the blue states.  When you think about it, using an all-loving Christ, who told us in the original translation of Matthew 5:17 that he is Pro Choice and in the original translation of the Centurion story that he is cool with gay people, as a shield for these bigoted behaviors makes it worse.  By giving them a platform, you become a partner.  Lie down with dogs, get fleas.

Please note that at no time will I ask you not to hold the event.  That could lead down the path to extortion and, once again, I follow the law.  I can only tell you what we will do in response to the event.  I can only promise that we will provide every free market solution that we can think of.  If someone watches you spend a lot of money because you decided to take money from the child bride crew, they might make a different decision in the future.

More importantly, it would cause you to examine who you let rent out your facilities a little more intensely next time.  Then again, with a new President coming in, your next time will probably be somewhere else.  I haven’t asked anybody to dig up any rumors yet, but if I do hear of anyone considering hiring you, they are definitely getting this letter.  It’s not all bad.  Go apply to an Academic Industry Leader like Mississippi State and this letter could help your chances. 

Thankfully, this period in American History could soon be over.  Of course, if Donald Trump gets elected in November, there is no guarantee there will ever be another election, never mind what women are going to go through.  On the other hand, if Joe Biden is re-elected, COVID and old age will continue to decimate the GOP base.  Once we get the courage enough to dump the Electoral College and re-imagine the Senate, we will never have these problems again.  Unfortunately, too many on our side think yelling “shame” is the equivalent of taking action.  As you’re about to find out, my adventures with the free market have taught me not to be one of those.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Down by the beach in Narragansett today


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