Thanks To A Higher Power I Do Not Understand, I Get To Turn 57 Tomorrow

No, I can’t believe it’s happening.  Unless my Higher Power calls me home tonight, he seems to have a lot on my to do list so I don’t think that’s the plan, I will turn 57 tomorrow.  How the Hell did that happen??

I am so thankful to the Universe for guiding me through everything I have experienced.  Produced by incest and rape, starts his addictions off at age 10, gets diagnosed with Narcississtic Personality Disorder at age 5 not counting all the other mental illnesses that are still lying around and he is still around in his mid 50’s??  Most folks can’t say that.

I am also looking forward to the journey to come.  The signs are there each day that it should be at least exciting.  Ok, maybe not as exciting as the late 80’s to early 2000’s period but you get what I mean.

How do I know??  Because my Higher Power speaks to me through coincidence.  For instance, a couple of weeks ago down in Florida, I 12 stepped a guy in a park down in Florida.  While I was on my way to talk to the local cops who were present to ask if I could approach the obviously homeless person waking up from his nap, I noticed a log in a local pond.  When I got done 12 stepping the gentleman and the ambulance picked him up to take him to detox, the log turned a little.  That’s when I noticed it had eyes.  Yes, I delivered on the 12th step and my Higher Power presented a gator.  If I don’t approach the gentleman, I never see the gator.  How cool is that??

Who knew that married life could be so awesome??  Then again it helps that I picked a great wife.  Another blessing the universe has bestowed on me.

I also found out when this Harry Jackson mess started.  I have written many blogs about Harry Jackson.  Now, I need legal cash to both take action and protect myself.  To get folks to start recruiting for me down in Virginia, I needed $530.  Sure enough, people opposed to Mr. Jackson helped raise the cash so I could do more writing.

The next step in that process is a small “logistical” $100 get.  I don’t know if it will be Jackson supporters or book sales or freelancing, but I know I will file the $100 extra to go along with my 6 month mission.  I have to tell you, hotel to hotel in Florida was cool because we were investigating places we planned to stay.  We actually found that location.  One hotel up here in RI is going to get old quickly so working on the credit a little and buying the house here are a little more challenging.  However, the universe seems to like the path I’m on.

So yes, as we get deeper into 2024 expect more politics.  Expect some ghost stories, expect writing about Fall River, expect writing about addiction and mental illness, but expect more politics.  If I handle Mr. Jackson right and he disappears, other folks can copycat what I’m doing with other wannabe Trump loving fascists.  Then again, if my shot at Judge Cannon works, we could jump ahead by a few years. 

That has been a real lesson of the 6 month 6 month journey.  Folks are cool everywhere.  Some places just tend to elect creeps.  However, everyone who lives there is not at fault.  Sometimes they don’t have the tools and techniques to avoid certain things.  By doing projects openly, everyone, especially the younger Gen-Z crew, gets a chance to learn and adapt.  That’s how we fix things before they start.

Privately, I’ll be writing both book 3’s.  One is like the 2 you’ve seen.  One is about addiction, mental illness, what it’s like to be in psychosis, having a semi-eidetic memory, and other fun stuff.  The Publisher will let me know which one they want first.

So if you want to help, you know what to do.  Mention me to your Higher Power.  Buy one of my books.  If you really want to be part of the fight, head over here and send some cash.  Remember, just a little bit of cash, unless of course you’re really angry.  The goal is to feel part of something, not feel like you’re self funding it.

I have the confidence to believe I can at least come close to achieving these goals.  While I’m doing that, I get to have a lot of fun.  Because I’m a freelancer/writer now, instead of a timeshare guy – one of the reasons I might want to look for a retailer who will hire me in 2 places.  The money will be a little slow but I will achieve it.  When you help it, you let me be more creative.  You let me take bigger risks.  You help all of us put an end to the Christofascist future the Great Minority wants us to have.  If you’re a Trump supporter at this point, I do feel bad for you.

Now as we wait for all that, COVID and old age are still doing their thing.  Folks in blue counties have a life expectancy of 88 years.  In red, it’s 68 years.  The universe is obviously cheering for our side but we have to put the work in.  Screaming “Shame!” isn’t “work” per se.  Using the free market to make things in some places expensive truly is.  Without all of you, there would be no 57 tomorrow as this would have ended long ago.

Thank you for your time, your consideration, and listening.  If any member of your family is struggling with substance abuse, please feel free to reach out.

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