Of Course The Sneakers Trump Is Selling Were Made In China

Another great week I spent trying to figure out where I’m supposed to be and when.  I am so grateful for that freedom.  Even if it’s just temporary.  Each day on social media I see something I miss.  That tells me how much I’ve been spoiled via traveling.  Meanwhile, it is time to settle into a schedule so I can be effective again.

Yes Trump is trying to sell sneakers because he’s a billionaire.  Yes, they’re made in Chy-na.  Would you expect anything less from the Trump cult??

Spenta Armaiti would have been celebrated in Ancient Persia today.  Need I say anything more than it’s a fertility festival designed for women??  What would it be like to live in a society that still did this kind of thing??  No, Vegas doesn’t count.  (Look for a bonus early this afternoon if not sooner.)

Monday February 19th:  When you express gratitude, the universe can take time to surprise you.  I had that happen this week.  It was a great uniting of the future and the past.

Tuesday February 20th: The Speaker’s “adoption” is getting attention again??  Looks like we’ve been seeking documents from the wrong side.  Please allow me to rectify that mistake.

Wednesday February 21st: Some Republicans are comparing Trump to Navalny.  This needs to be called out.  Especially true when a New Yorker does it.

Thursday February 22nd: Clay Higgins ran his mouth again this week.  Time to get out the contributors list.  Contributions to Higgins should always cost more than the actual contribution.

Friday February 23rd: There’s a bill in the Florida Senate to make it illegal to take down Confederate Statues??  This is more important than the SAT scores ranking 46th??  How does this make Black Legislators feel??  Let’s ask one.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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