I Wonder If Doctor Jackson Will Call Me About This One

18 February 2024

Honorable State Inspector General Michael C. Westfall

Office of the Virginia State Inspector General

PO Box 1151

Richmond, VA  23218

Honorable Inspector General Westfall:

I am respectfully submitting a complaint and a “request for instruction” to the Office of the State Inspector General (OSIG).  The first complaint involves Elizabeth Schultz, Assistant State Superintendent, Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), for abusing her office on behalf of far-right interests. In connection, the Code of Virginia § 18.2-438, Bribes to officers or candidates for office, may have been violated by Dr. Harry R. Jackson, a member of the intelligence community, who as an anonymous “FBI whistleblower” influenced the outcome of the 2021 Gubernatorial election, placing Schultz in power enabling her to attack public school curriculum, target the transgender community, and grant favor to political allies in a civil suit against Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).

My specific allegation is that Dr. Jackson corruptly gifted his act of “whistleblowing” to the Youngkin for Governor campaign in order to assist said campaign.  Dr. Jackson did so with the intent to influence Governor Youngkin’s opinion, decision or judgment on any matter, question, cause or proceeding on behalf of Coalition for TJ (C4TJ) and allied advocacy groups once assuming the Office of Governor. In exchange, Governor Youngkin offered Dr. Jackson and Suparna Dutta seats of the Virginia Board of Education and appointed Elizabethe Schultz as Assistant State Superintendent. Additionally, Attorney General Jason Miyares has taken numerous actions that have given the C4TJ crowd an advantage over their opponents.  Said actions fit the description of “in-kind contributions” in some cases.

On background, Dr. Jackson’s FBI employment has only recently been brought to our attention and full details are not available. What is known is that he identified himself as an FBI employee and intelligence professional as well as a whistleblower during a presentation at the Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) conference in New York City in July 2022. Jackson told the audience:

“I still support three-letter agencies… right now I’m supporting the FBI… I’m still within the community [IC]. I’m still doing the same things… so I can talk a lot of trash and get away with it.”

Please refer to the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qdV5dH7_CI&t=6s

Dr. Harry Jackson is a failed school board candidate in Fairfax County, Virginia, who was endorsed by the GOP. I submitted a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) for Hatch Act violations because he actively worked with the GOP to obtain their endorsement and support while employed by the FBI yet kept this fact hidden from voters. I also filed a complaint alleging misconduct with both the DOJ OIG and DOJ Division of Civil Rights for matters covered. Sadly, his antics targeting public school students, teachers, and administrators was a key part of his campaign and embraced by the GOP.

Dr. Jackson first emerged alongside right-wing political operatives battling against administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) in Annandale, Virginia, over changes to admission policy to generate a new culture war. As a co-founder of Coalition for TJ (C4TJ), he coordinated with the organization bringing a lawsuit against FCPS that will possibly be heard by the United States Supreme Court.

During the 2021 race for Virginia Governor, Jackson worked on behalf of then Candidate Youngkin to bolster his image as a fighter for education and defender of parents. Jackson actively participated in Youngkin campaign rallies, including one where he introduced the future Governor. Notably Jackson was a member of Educators for Youngkin, a “coalition” formed by Youngkin and led by Suparna Dutta.

Once again, please refer to the following article on background https://www.fairfaxtimes.com/articles/fairfax_county/educators-for-youngkin-demands-more-be-done-for-virginia-schools/article_ad0cea8a-f60b-11eb-9ec6-77de52af7aa0.html

I would also like to show that Dr. Jackson is a founder of the organization in question https://popular.info/p/how-virginia-school-boards-are-being

Of course Dr. Jackson did not stop there in trying to recruit the extreme right.  Dr. Jackson has expressed anti-LGBTQ+ views. In a conversation with Groypers, a white nationalist group, Jackson used vulgar language to ridicule transgender women as people subjecting themselves to the “dick saw.”  In order to provide background, please read the following https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/harry-jackson-republican-running-for-fairfax-school-board-spends-hours-conversing-with-far-right-groypers/65-1b8fb3b1-2d96-4300-afd8-b83fdcec79a0

Dr. Jackson encourages his followers to engage in all kinds of discriminatory behavior.  Political allies of Dr. Jackson in the right-wing press are also notoriously anti-trans. For example, the activities of a group seeking to find shelter for LGBTQ+ youth in a crisis situation was painted as being similar to, “sex trafficking.”  Right wing groups have mentioned this on their websites as shown here https://www.dailywire.com/news/pro-trans-group-behind-virginia-school-walkout-plans-to-rehome-gay-kids-who-hate-their-parents

Lastly, Dr. Jackson has assigned horrendous labels to those who oppose him.  As always, I would like to provide an example https://www.dailywire.com/news/dad-facing-criminal-charges-for-accusing-woke-activist-of-grooming

Even his descriptions of behavior are intentionally tilted to the extreme.  Dr. Jackson has attacked the FCPS school board equating their policies to Nazism.  Not only is this behavior demonstrated in writing as shown here https://x.com/HarryJ4Justice/status/1631812050740559874?s=20 but video is also available for your review:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyCkFOUkix0

I suppose at some point I should establish the various connections between Dr. Jackson, Elizabeth Schultz, Suparna Dutta, and the Coalition for TJ.  Elizabeth Schultz was a twice-elected former FCPS school board member with a reputation for both anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-CRT views. After losing her third bid for school board, she became a Trump appointed official in the Department of Education. She was a senior fellow with Parents Defending Education (PDE) during the 2021 Gubernatorial campaign working closely with Jackson before being appointed by Youngkin as State Assistant Superintendent.  That has been reported by multiple members of the media including https://www.washingtonblade.com/2019/11/06/anti-lgbtq-fairfax-school-board-member-loses-re-election-bid/ and  https://www.vaesp.net/youngkin-taps-critical-race-theory-opponents-to-lead-public-education-in-virginia/

Suparna Dutta is co-founder of Coalition for TJ although she has no children attending the school. She also founded Educators for Youngkin, of which Jackson was a member. Schultz was a panelist at an event hosted by the organization.  As with everything else, this has been documented by a 3rd Party https://fairfaxgop.org/new-coalition-launches-educators-for-youngkin/  The same is true for Governor Youngkin’s rewarding Suparna Dutta with a seat on State Board of Education as can be seen here https://wjla.com/news/crisis-in-the-classroom/suparna-dutta-longtime-critic-of-fairfax-co-school-board-appointed-va-board-of-education-coalition-for-tj-scott-surovell-glenn-youngkin-thomas-jefferson-high-school-for-science-and-technology

The Virginia Senate voted to remove Suparna Dutta from the Board of Education, according to State Senator Ghazala Hashmi (D-Richmond), for “alignment… with very extreme and right-wing, white supremacist groups.”  In case you need the source for the quote, it’s here https://wjla.com/news/crisis-in-the-classrooms/virginia-board-of-education-suparna-dutta-interview-removal-governor-glenn-youngking-va-democrats-meeting-vote-senator-ghazala-hashmi-standards-of-learning-schools-terry-mcauliffe

Elizabeth Schultz and Suparna Dutta are connected in their own right.  They worked together at the American Hindu Coalition to host a leadership conference for women.  Folks also found that to be interesting https://www.americanhinducoalition.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/PR_WomensLeadershipConference_AHC-2.pdf

While engaged in that activity, Elizabeth Schultz and Superna Dutta  were also formulating education policy recommendations for Youngkin.  Someone obviously leaked the context of the work product as can be read here https://www.americanhinducoalition.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/AHC-VA-Chapter-Education-Platform-Policy-Release-10-29-21.pdf

C4TJ, founded by Glenn and Helen Miller, Asra Nomani, and Suparna Dutta, has a lawsuit against FCPS that has received national attention.  Out of all the links available, this is my favorite https://pacificlegal.org/case/coalition_for_tj/

One of the weirder parts is he was doing all this while promoting the idea that he was a “whistleblower”. At the HOPE 2022 Conference, Dr. Jackson, who presented himself to the audience as both an FBI employee and “parent advocate” working for Parents Defending Education (PDE), brought up the United States Attorney General Merrick Garland memorandum and described the resultant parent outrage. After the memos release, Dr. Jackson stated that he “immediately self-reported” to his FBI superiors telling them he would be “showing up on this,” ostensibly out of concern for maintaining his security clearance.  Yes, there is video alluding to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qdV5dH7_CI&t=6s

Dr. Jackson later claims that he “actually did blow the whistle on this also.” While boasting of his action, Dr. Jackson displayed an article he had written, referencing the subject of his whistleblower complaint.  If that is of interest to you, please click here https://www.realcleareducation.com/articles/2022/03/16/school_districts_should_not_be_in_the_business_of_intelligence_collection_110715.html

Dr. Jackson reports that he was working in Quantico at the time, possibly for the cyber task force, because of his cyber-intelligence background. During the “self-reporting” process, Dr. Jackson would likely have provided information to the FBI about various “school board” parents he had encountered. Recognizing his valuable insight and knowledge, the FBI probably detailed Dr. Jackson to the newly formed school-board task ordered by AG Garland. As a result, Dr. Jackson had access to inside information and was positioned to become the ideal whistleblower to advance right-wing interests from the inside. Fanning the flames of parental anger and driving the narrative that the DOJ considers concerned parents to be “domestic terrorists, these same talking points found their way into House Judiciary reports released by Republicans.  Funny how that always seems to happen and who notices as shown here https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/legacy_files/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/HJC_STAFF_FBI_REPORT.pdf

Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) admonished the DOJ not to retaliate with his FBI whistleblowers. As a reminder, a whistleblower must have direct knowledge of the alleged fraudulent activity, independent of already publicly disclosed information. Therefore, by definition, Dr. Harry Jackson (almost assuredly) participated in the school board task force. Otherwise, how could he access independent information? If he was not working first-hand with the material he provided, he could not be a protected whistleblower.  If you haven’t come to that conclusion yet, please review the following https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/2022-05/2022-05-11-JDJ-MJ-to-Garland-re-threat-tags_Redacted.pdf

In a weird turn of events, Governor Youngkin was able to benefit politically from the Attorney General’s actions.  Dr. Jackson’s whistleblowing was designed to stir up and harness parent anger that benefitted Candidate Youngkin.  Not only did the Governor allude to it on social media https://x.com/GlennYoungkin/status/1556996346799919104?s=20 but it seems Fox News decided to play along as can be seen here https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-targeted-parents-via-terrorism-tools-despite-garland-testimony but that wasn’t all.  It appears that someone also pitched Real Clear Politics and the Fairfax Times on the issue based on their reporting here https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2021/11/03/at_youngkin_hq_a_hat_tip_to_harnessed_parent_anger__146678.html and here https://www.fairfaxtimes.com/articles/fairfax_county/hopping-mad-mama-and-papa-bears-elect-youngkin/article_c675c506-3d8b-11ec-a454-1b6ff223b791.html

For the Youngkin Administration, it was just about getting clicks in the media.  Governor Youngkin as has turned the “war on parents” into political capital to be spent on advancing right-wing interests regarding public education.  One day, it might be Anti-CRT https://www.americanoversight.org/in-the-documents-virginia-department-of-education-emails-about-anti-critical-race-theory-executive-order at the top of the schedule.  The next day, it could be a transgender attack double shot https://apnews.com/article/virginia-transgender-students-schools-youngkin-ba073a1e8a9286456a7509688f40115b where attacking kids pays off politically https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/virginia/fox-news-interview-virginia-governor-glenn-youngkin-criticizes-school-districts-transgender-policies/291-709c0d2d-819d-4f75-92c8-a9d0678471ec and the kids suffer https://virginiamercury.com/2022/10/04/youngkin-attorney-general-expect-schools-to-follow-transgender-policies/ in order to score points for the Governor https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/virginia-governor-seeks-to-roll-back-

However, it’s not always kids directly transgender-student-accommodations as some days it’s about support systems https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/09/20/youngkin-school-transgender-policies-virginia-beach/ and other days it’s about rewarding bad behavior https://www.doe.virginia.gov/about-vdoe/agency-leadership/assistant-superintendent-of-public-instruction

Support for C4TJ also seemed to be on the table.  Not only did Elizabeth Schultz sign the following letter https://www.fairfaxtimes.com/articles/fairfax_county/vdoe-reprimands-fcps-for-failing-to-create-regional-board/article_84cefcae-a31e-11ed-827c-d3a675e9776e.html but the State Attorney General referred to it on social media https://x.com/JasonMiyaresVA/status/1509210547945934859?s=20 while his office walked into a court https://www.oag.state.va.us/media-center/news-releases/2351-march-30-2022-attorney-general-miyares-files-amicus-brief-against-discriminatory-admission-policy-at-thomas-jefferson-high-school and simultaneously made statements to the media https://www.oag.state.va.us/media-center/news-releases/2521-january-09-2023-attorney-general-miyares-expands-civil-rights-investigation-to-fairfax-county-public-schools-system#:~:text=On%20 January%204%2C%20 Miyares%20 launched,the%20Virginia%20Human%20Rights%20Act.

The “request for instruction” involves the Virginia State Police. State Police are school-board task force partners.  The Virginia State Police either lacked proper oversight, looked the other way, or willingly participated, I can see this happening with some individuals but not the entire law enforcement collective, in the politicization of the school-board task force for the benefit of the Republican Party by allowing Dr. Harry Jackson to participate as a member.

Any task force member who had been offered a seat on the Board of Education, such as Dr. Harry Jackson, clearly has a conflict of interest. Allowing the same person to continue serving as a member of the school-board task force while running for an actual seat on the school board himself is preposterous. Claiming protected whistleblower status as a defense should be called out as an abuse as well as a possible campaign finance violation. Actions taken by government officers, possessing knowledge of the circumstances, such as Elizabeth Schultz, on behalf of advocacy groups associated with Dr. Jackson is scandalizing. The Virginia State Police must restore integrity.  Even mistakes require that sometimes.

Therefore, I will soon humbly make a request.  By the way, why should you listen to a guy normally from Rhode Island who spends half the year in Florida about matters in Virginia??  Because “bad actors” in other states are watching what Dr. Jackson has gotten away with up to now.  Much like with Mr. Trump, there is no question that the acts have been committed.  The question is, will the wheels of justice grind in such a way that the average citizen without “laundered cash availability” has reason to trust our system of Justice??  

Task force personnel must carry out their duties with the highest professionalism to maintain the trust and confidence of the public. In this situation, something has obviously gone wrong. Therefore, in light of that I humbly have some actions I would like your Office to move forward on starting with a full investigation to uncover the likelihood of all improprieties. In light of the abhorrent views expressed by Dr. Harry Jackson and Elizabeth Schultz, along with their apparent influence, please review all communications between the FBI, Virginia State Police, and Virginia Attorney General’s office.  If you need me to, I can have an interested person with Virginia residency file an official FOIA via normal channels.

Please also conduct interviews to determine who had knowledge and awareness of Dr. Jackson’s participation and why his continued access was justified. Additionally, all of Dr. Jackson’s work activities, such as the assessments he conducted on Virginia residents using both open source and FBI databases, especially transgender activists, should be scrutinized. Similarly, any intelligence products prepared by Jackson available at the Virginia Fusion Center should be reviewed. This is the only way to root out the appearance of political bias in law enforcement work.  Once again, if you need followup FOIAs filed by Virginia residents, I’m talking to your local ACLU Chapter about this as we speak, please let me know.

In case it matters, Dr. Jackson’s address is 12823 Piney Point Place, Herndon, VA 20171.  His phone number is 717-419-6053.  I only know that because after filing other complaints, he called me without leaving a message.  Yes, that has been communicated to the folks I filed the complaints with and if you would like to see a copy of those communications, please let me know.  If you want to contact Dr. Jackson by email, you can use HarryRJackson@gmail.com or Dr.HarryJackson@hrjassociatesllc.com as he responds to both.  If you need to observe him on social media, for the record, my phone number, address, and social media handles are available on my blog and in all my social media profiles, please visit @harryj4justice but that’s not all.  I even got you a copy of his resume https://medvinlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Dr-Harry-Jackson-Resume.pdf which will give you a sense of how he portrays himself.  At the end of this communication, I have provided multiple background links if you need further proof of anything I claimed.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Sebastian, Florida


Additional references













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