An Olde School Sales Job Is The Order Of The Day

When behaviors are successful, shouldn’t you repeat them??  One of the best periods in my blogging career, view and advertising wise, happened when I took a part time sales job at Dick’s Sporting Goods.  I realized this week that due to freelancing, I spend a lot of time sitting around hoping to get paid on time and waiting for decisions.  I could fill that time with a part time sales job and spend the cash on extra soda, candy, and cat treats.  So yes, 2 books, a blog, 4 PACS, 1 501-c-4, and selling, oh I don’t know, floor covering for somebody??  Sounds like me.

A lot of people are complaining about what the media covers and what it does not.  Just a reminder.  Media companies make the most money when races are 50/50 and campaigns overspend on advertising, instead of street outreach, trying to fix it.  Therefore it’s in the media’s interests to keep everything 50/50.  Old age, educational levels, and COVID shrink the GOP daily.  Instead of complaining about what the media does, we should get out in front of them.

Pallas Athena happens today.  I identify with her.  My mom was raped by her sister.  Her mom was eaten, as in smoked prime ribs eaten, by her dad.  She was born when he, Zeus, had his skull ripped open.  Shout out to all of us with creation stories that aren’t exactly normal.

Monday December 4th: Pawtucket is putting money towards the Tidewater Stadium that they didn’t vote on??  Should we file an open meetings complaint first or something else??  Let’s ask the AG.

Tuesday December 5th: Is the MLB alcoholism policy not cool??  Do they know what they’re causing??  Is this intentional??  We need to find out.

Wednesday December 6th: Can’t have December blogs without talking about abortion.  Texas businesses are out $15 billion thanks to their abortion laws.  How much could the Indiana AG cost Indiana??

Thursday December 7th: Whitewashing the Saudis is never a good look.  The PGA needs to understand that.  We make the point by reaching out to one of their sponsors.

Friday December 8th: South Carolina wants to outdo Indiana and apply the death penalty to abortion cases.  Everyone needs to know who these creeps are.  Can they afford $15 billion??

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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