Is Harry Jackson The Whistle Blower Jim Jordan Tried To Use Against The FBI??

30 November 2023

President Kristi Swett

National School Board Association

1680 Duke St. FL2

Alexandria, VA  22314

Dear President Swett:

I hope this message finds you well.  Thanks for the work you do.  I found your website to be well planned out and full of important information.

I would like to take you back to 2021.  Christofascist Trump supporters were threatening violence to School Boards all over the country.  Folks on School Boards reached out for help.  The FBI came up with a plan.  All of a sudden in Congress, Representatives McCarthy and Jordan suggested the plan was an attempt to deny free speech and “criminalize protesting”.  They said they learned about the plan from an inside the FBI “whistleblower”.  Of course they promised hearings, which never happened, and possible Impeachments, that never even started.  That’s their playbook.

We now know the entire thing was taken out of context.  We also know that the “whistle blower” tried to invent things that didn’t happen.  Since Republicans do not care for the truth, they just played along as usual.

Many of us consider what you do to be vital.  We reject vouchers and other attempts to take resources away from you.  In short, we have your back.

Who was the whistleblower??  Like all whistleblowers, they have to be part of a criminal enterprise at some point.  However, this one takes all that to a new level.  He engages in all kinds of money laundering.  In fact, during the most recent election, which he lost, we believe that he used his campaign finance account for money laundering.

That’s right, your whistle blower ran for Office.  In fact, he ran for a school board – namely the Hunter Mill District in Fairfax County.  Thankfully he lost 72 to 27.  We believe the “whistle blower” who tried to get the FBI in trouble and in turn tried to reduce your members’ safety is Harry R. Jackson.  Because he is involved with future FBI cases to come, they cannot out him.  However, there are things you can do on your own behalf to help you achieve justice.

You should know that I have filed multiple FOIAs regarding Mr. Jackson’s various activities.  Every time I get a response back, it leads to another FOIA being filed.  Sometimes the FBI tries to drag its feet.  The problem is, once all the information about Mr. Jackson’s various criminal activities becomes known, he will be useless as a witness even for the FBI.  Therefore, you should be able to rub Mr. Jackson the faces of Representatives McCarthy and Jordan now instead of having to wait.  The program that was set up to keep you safe should also be resumed.

What can you do to help??  Request numbers of email addresses of folks that have FOIA’d for information on Mr. Jackson.  Remember, he does not want you to be safe.  Making an earnest phone call requesting information that will be legally obtained “one of these days” should not provide an ethical conflict.

Most importantly, you have to let the Congresspeople and the FBI know that you know.  If they ever question you, I can provide you with a video where Mr. Jackson seems to make an admission without being prompted to.  At some point, the FBI will wish to flush Mr. Jackson out of their system realizing that as a witness, due to his continual credibility problems and crimes, he has no value.  Then all the records that have been requested will magically flow forward.

This will do two things in the future.  One, especially after finding out today that Florida founder of Moms for Liberty likes to violate her Christofascism by inviting another young lady into the bedroom, it will weaken the efforts of the right wing terrorists who try to threaten you all over the country.  As far as I’m concerned, someone’s sexual habits are none of my business unless they condemn others, see my Catholic Church, for the same things they are engaging in.  Secondly, on our side we engage in shame too much and not enough in action.  Using Mr. Jackson to set a free market example, via nothing but public records requests, will change the tone on many conversations including vouchers. 

I get it if your first reaction is, “Hey guy off the street says something really interesting.  However, it’s 2023, why should we trust him??”  If you would like to go down the same path with the same kind of public records requests, just visit my blog.  You are free to copy directly or use what you see for your own inspiration regarding the whistleblower whose ultimate goal was to have members of School Boards be assaulted by alt right groups.  No one will judge you.  The other side will see silence as weakness.

Please thank everyone for the work they do.  We are a better and more educated nation because your team puts in their efforts.  We need to spend as much energy thanking folks for the good stuff they do instead of budgeting the energy for complaining all the time.

There will come a day when the Trump myth disappears.  COVID and old age work on it continually.  However, until then folks doing the right thing should feel safe.  When we catch someone trying to place folks in danger as this supposed whistleblower did, we should have a free market response.  When two members of Congress try to use a lying whistle blower to cause chaos and low level violence, their District has to learn, via the free market, that such behavior is unacceptable.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira


Sebastian, Florida

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