How Much Does The Lukens Company Charge For Printing??

31 October 2023

Vice President Erin Aguiar

Client Services Division

The Lukens Company

28 Shirlington Road, 9th Floor

Arlington, VA  22206

Dear Vice President Aguiar:

I hope this message finds you well.  Everyone I talk to has great things to say about your firm’s ability to get the job done.  Your client list is also impressive.

I am writing to you today about Harry Jackson.  He is a local school board candidate in Virginia.  Let’s just say that some of his campaign finance reports have “drawn negative attention”.

This is literally a heads up to let you know complaints are going to be filed in his direction soon.  Based on what we see, some of the claims he makes about you are going to come into question.  My personal suggestion is that if you have anyone in-house who reviews your relationships with politicians you have done work for, they immediately take a look at his campaign finance reports.

Normally I would tell somebody that if anything they find being reported by Mr. Jackson is untrue, they should get out in front of it.  However, you are not the average firm.  I am sure you have access to many talented attorneys.  This would be the time to invite one of them in.  Since attorneys are more than likely going to get involved, I also understand if you do not respond to this letter directly.  It will not hurt my feelings.

What stands out the most??  He says he paid you for “printing services”.  Now you may provide those directly or through a 3rd Party.  However, he’s in a school board race.  When you look at the ratios of voters in many larger races, you have to wonder what’s up.

This will probably be one of many such complaints against Mr. Jackson.  If it looks like his reported numbers concerning your firm are off, I will certainly alert you to that.  Once again, as soon as the attorneys get here, I do not expect a response.

Sadly, one of the side effects in this nation of the Trump Presidency was folks thinking they could claim anything that might be untrue and then just try to run out the clock.  Mr. Jackson seems to be doing that here.  “Shame” is no longer an effective motivator when trying to get folks to do the right thing.  That is sad but we must deal with reality.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Sebastian, Florida


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