Will She Tell Us How She Really Feels??

3 August 2023

Joan Foley

74 Benson Ave

Warwick, RI 02888

Dear Ms. Foley:  

I hope this message finds you well.  A lot of folks had some strong reactions to your recent letter in the Warwick Beacon.  I’m just trying to make sure people hear you correctly.

Normally when we see a letter like that, we think somebody spent too much time on the Newsmax website.  Then we wonder about email chains that go on in Trump chat groups.  I could not find a version of the letter on Truth Social.

The Civil War happened because one side decided that black folks were property.  Today, that same side thinks gay folks are not human and that women are sex toys.  This is what happens when you let every state have 2 Senators and the Electoral College is allowed to mess up elections for too long.

You really can’t both sides slavery in the modern era.  You also shouldn’t both sides racism.  The only folks who try to do that are racists.

It should also be noted that our veterans are not part of any competition.  If the Republican Party cared, they would release more funding.  Of course if they really cared, they would tell Tommy Tuberville to stop messing with appointments.

Please note that while we “reconciled” with Japan and Germany, there are no statues of their Generals here.  For that matter, we do not have any statues of British Generals that we defeated in the Revolution.  No one gets all excited as they prepare for the Erwin Rommel “night at Rocky Point” event.

We reconcile after we hold criminals accountable.  Someday, we will do this with Donald Trump and everyone involved on January 6th.  Until then, our nation will never be at peace.

It is rather interesting that you live over by the Grove named for Mr. Salter.  He was a Republican before the Southern Strategy and would have been turned off by anything Confederate.  Then again, you voted in the Democratic Primary last September.  You disaffiliated after the fact but somebody on that ballot with Democratic values had you interested.

So here’s the series of questions:  Do you really care about our vets and just got talked into something silly??  Are you caught up in Trump hysteria and just copied and pasted nonsense??  Or are you just an out and out racist that we need to watch out for??  The world would love to know.

If we take care of business in Norfolk, Nebraska, the Trump silliness can disappear and we’ll all go one with our lives.  Until then, folks who might be well meaning will stumble into the trap you did.  Provided of course that it’s a trap and not just normal behavior for you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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