Reclaiming Places As A Sober Person

Reclaiming spots as a sober person is one of my favorite things to do.  It simply means going back to a place that you always were drunk or using or, in my case, both, and experiencing in recovery.  2 years ago when my wife and I stayed in New York City, I was almost in tears when I got to revisit the spot where I was when 1999 became 2000 just outside of Times Square.

In this case, the Sea Crest Hotel was a family vacation every year.  We would spend the last Thursday through Sunday period at the end of July/beginning of August there.  It started when I was a kid and continued until 1983.  In 1984, I went to the Olympics and spent 3 days partying in Vegas.  In 1985, I was living in Astors Beechwood.  Every year after that was about Spring Break and campaign adventures, not vacationing with my parents as a college guy.

Even though I spent some time on the Cape in 2011 selling timeshares, I didn’t know I was Bipolar yet.  At that point, after the “over 7 days awake” episode, I actually had conversations with doctors which started out “Mr. Oliveira, you might be schizophrenic.”  Bipolar 1 is fun enough.  Because I was not managing my mental health the way I manage my sobriety, I didn’t think of visiting.

I made plans to go visit one of my birth cousins up in Marshfield.  He lives in Georgia and was here in Massachusetts giving a bug lecture.  Immediately I thought of a grocery store that I hadn’t been to since ‘99.  It’s under a different name now but the same building.  Well, looking at the map, we were just too close to Old Silver Beach not to hit the Sea Crest.  Thanks to my wife it was awesome.

There’s a lot going on now.  Hard to believe – well, let me put it this way – remember Sanford and Son when Redd Fox would do the “fake heart attack thing”??  I’m 3 years older now than he was then.  Based on yesterday’s run, I guess I’m doing ok for 56.

Both business and political opportunities are present.  I have an opportunity to run my own Ghost Tour.  Turns out the company I was working for has lied to employees and discriminates against those suffering from addiction while getting basic Newport stories wrong.  I was at a loss for what to do.  A friend with talents I don’t have said we could run our own show.  I called City Hall and it’s not that expensive.

I might be running 2 art shows this summer, and maybe even 3 next year, instead of just one.  People love the idea of live art and some places are less expensive permit wise.  This is a concept I should hand off to somebody else.

Remember I filed that FOIA in the Norfolk, Nebraska abortion case and I told you there was a reason why I did it??  Plan worked and I will be re-filing under Nebraska law.  Chief is going to want $500.  It’s already in the budget.  However, if you or anybody you know wants in on any of these projects, there is a way to do that.

Lastly, the book is doing nicely on Amazon and will be in stores in about 6 weeks.  Please keep those orders coming in.  It’s hard to believe that something I wrote is on a website in New Zealand and the book will be in a downtown Minneapolis independent bookstore.  How did the adopted kid do that??

So for this week, I’m about $625 from having all my bills in order – what Bipolar person gets to say that??, I’ll be listening to my boy Neptune.  Today is Neptunalia after all.  Go find one of those blue candles.  Then you just need a trident and a shell.  Meanwhile, I’ll be contract writing to get my stuff done. If I’m too busy to get back to right away, I apologize. Meanwhile, if book sales start to come in, I could be totally “politics centered”.

And, oh yeah, there will be blogs this week.

Monday July 10th: We went and captured the Bonnet Shores license plates.  Now we have to do something with them.  You know how that starts.

Tuesday July 11th: Are you tired of Pat Morgan??  Wanna make an example out of her??  I do too.  Where’s that contributors’ list??

Wednesday July 12th: Oh look, we know where the Mom’s for Liberty National Director lives.  What could we do with that information?? Maybe as a courtesy I should contact the local police first.

Thursday July 13th: There are other RI politicians doing stupid things on both sides of the aisle.  I’m tired of giving everyone a pass.  That’s how Trump happened in the first place.

Friday July 14th: Ron DeSantis doesn’t like our licenses??  Folks are fleeing his state??  We need to say something.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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