More Tidewater Landing News Is On The Way

We should have more news about the Tidewater Landing situation in 3 – 11 days.  No, it won’t be good for them.  Then again, you knew that.  This is the day Horus, yes the reason Christmas is on December 25th, listens to everybody.  I would reach out to him while Horus is doing one of his listening sessions.

Monday May 29th: Not only is there more news coming, someone involved might be suffering from second thoughts.  This could be soap opera quality by the time we’re done.  Considering who is involved, we deserve at least that much.

Tuesday May 30th: Churchill and Banks gave the Mayor of Johnston $1000.  The Mayor of Johnston is pursuing the statue of a pedophile.  We need to make them rethink that contribution.

Wednesday May 31st: Norfolk, Nebraska arrested a young lady for engaging in health care.  They had to dig some of the evidence up.  If creeps can do things to Target, we can do stuff to their local chamber.

Thursday June 1st:Speaking of Norfolk, we need to make some people famous.  If your plan is to go after young women, you should know that payback is coming.  Just at this level might be enough.

Friday June 2nd: The weird part is we do not know if even with the new Tidewater Landing news about to hit, that they’re under investigation.  We should invent a race.  The winners get snacks.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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