Daddy Convinced The Mayor To Welcome A Pedophile To Town

20 May 2023

Honorable Mayor Joseph M. Polisena, Jr.

Office of the Johnston Mayor

1385 Hartford Avenue

Johnston, RI  02919

Honorable Mayor Polisena:

I hope this message finds you well. Yes, it’s wet this weekend but your hometown is more about the food.  Hopefully folks are gathering and exchanging great stories while the plants and trees get attended to.

Before I get started, I also wanted to mention that your opioid page on Johnston’s website is well done.  Thanks for taking the time to do that.  On that one thing, I wish more city and town governments would follow your example.

Unfortunately, the rest of this letter isn’t as happy.  The Providence Columbus Statue was up for sale.  Joe Paolino bought it.  I wrote to Joe Paolino about what would happen.  Suddenly he changed his plans from what he was originally going to do.  Now he’s selling it to you.  Before you agreed to buy it, did he tell you I wrote to him??

So now we’re going to have the same fun with you.  Folks are making contact lists out of your campaign contributors lists as I type this.  We will start the process of donating clothing to the homeless in the names of your contributors so we can highlight how you decided to help a pedophile.  Before long, every time said contributor gets searched in any search engine, pedophilia stories will start intertwining.  They should love that.

We’re also going to file a number of APRAs and FOIAs.  I’m trying to avoid creating work for your Clerk.  We’ll look at the state and federal levels for your grant sources.

It should be noted that yes, we are going to notify anybody who has ever funded Johnston in any way that you are a pro pedophile government leader.  However, we’re not looking to just mess up funding.  Because your daddy was the wannabe mafia clown that he was, we are sure he left some political debts unpaid.  The goal here is to mess up the payments so you have to rework the whole deals from scratch.  Then you can swear at daddy.

Quite frankly, many of your residents have reached out.  They want nothing to do with this statue and the shame it brings.  They also do not want the chaos it is going to bring.  Those folks need to be protected from retribution just as your kids should be.  Yes, Columbus liked whipping and raping 11 year old girls.  However, messing with the funding where a young lady attends school does not exactly fix the problem in the right way.  We have to do better – too bad you didn’t.

The simple reality is the easiest way to motivate you to do something is not with cash.  Because you were brought up the way you were, well – in the amateur style version your daddy could achieve, the thing that gets you to jump is the disruption of honor or even better, causing shame to fall upon you.  Don’t forget, in Utica, Albany, and New York City, I’ve dealt with the real La Cosa Nostra as opposed to the AAA version here in Rhode Island that has been taking orders from Boston since Frank Salemme.  Back in the 90’s, because I was a speechwriter on Beacon Hill, I went to Whitey’s garage.  Rhode Island hasn’t even been like that since Ray Junior.

We also heard that some security companies have stepped up for you.  We will be calling every security company in Johnston next week.  If services are volunteered, we’re going to claim that is a campaign finance violation.  We need to speak to their attorneys.  Then, we’re going to run ads portraying them as the protectors of a celebrity pedophile so we need to talk to their marketing people.  Amazing that a Jewish guy who took a Spanish last name which he converted to Italian to steal money so he could never achieve his goal while committing genocide with a need to bend 11 year old girls over desks could cause you this much disruption.

Your biggest problem is that the security firms will do nothing against the red paint people.  For the record, I do not like the red paint people.  They don’t achieve much politically and they create work for public works employees who deserve better.  Like them or not, balloons filled with paint thrown while wearing a mask, beat “surveillance”.  You need an actual guard every night from 11 to 7.

It’s also not the guard’s fault that they have to hang outside your statue, well – in the neighborhood before the statue even gets there, because the paint people exist.  Therefore, I’m going to work out a deal with one of your coffee shops so we can get whoever has to guard the location and the statue gift cards.  It’s the least we can do.  For the record, I dislike the paint people so much that the only way I would get them a lawyer, as I did for the homeless at the State House, is if you somehow hired Jeann Lugo and he ended up arresting one of them.

I did think of something really cool you could do with the statue that wouldn’t require a lot of cleanup that the cameras couldn’t stop nor would they tell you who did it.  I’m going to talk to some of my friends up in Rome, New York about flying drones around a statue.  You could equip one drone with a “t-shirt holder”.  Of course the T-shirt says, “The Pedophile you love to celebrate”.  The first drone drops the shirt on the statue.  The second drone takes a photo and posts it everywhere.  That’s got a chance to go viral and technically, it doesn’t violate any laws.  Now that I’ve posted it online, it could become a race and you can’t even claim it’s my drone based on the security you plan to employ.  Maybe you should have been more honest with your voters about how much this might end up costing??

Why am I so sure that the red paint people will pick your statue instead of the Newport and Westerly statues??  Because of daddy.  This week, I will file some APRA’s so we can get copies of those videos showing daddy taking a fetus, while he’s a Democrat, to the Rhode Island Senate Floor to deny women their rights to body autonomy.  We will link the photo in all our communications about the statue.  That will make you more despised.  Many people will confuse the two of you and might think you were the wannabe mafia Trump supporting hater of women.  Perhaps you should put out a statement saying that “My dad was wrong when he talked about everything Columbus did being part of Italian culture” because that makes the rape of 11 year old girls “Italian Culture”.  I’ve probably had dinner in more Italian homes while traveling than you ever have.  Nobody I have ever met defends Columbus to that point.

Don’t like us talking about dad??  It’s the reason you got the job.  It’s the reason the same time that exposed Cameron Sexton’s mistress and that the Tidewater Landing Soccer team owner is a total fraud will be helping out here.  If I can accept that my dad was a rapist creep who at 34 raped his 13 year old sister, therefore creating me, than you can accept that your dad is an illiterate, ok barley more literate than Ruggerio but not that literate, wannabe mafia guy who treats women as property.  Ever notice all these clowns have to pay to get laid??  On the day Ruggerio stole the condoms, he was planning to trade political favors for sex.  How pathetic.  Makes us all wonder if you were transactional too.  Were you planned or was daddy paying for sex and you happened??  If I can be cool with being the product of incest and rape, you can be cool with that.  It takes some time, but you can.

By the way, I know the Westerly Statue is still there.  I just wrote to them about it.  One little statue at a time.  I scared Joe Paolino away which is why you’re receiving this letter now.  We’ll watch what you decide to tolerate.

Since I brought up Westerly, I need to bring up Pat Serpa.  Pat Serpa had me falsely arrested because I rattled an ignorant racist Trump supporter who was a friend with hers.  Her and your dad hang out with trash like this all the time.  Please note that I hired legal counsel.  Please note that I posted the discovery online.  I also posted the motions.  The Prosecutor, I actually feel bad for him and the cops because she obviously bullied everyone into this stupidity, couldn’t get close to a trial.  One day I will wake up and give Pat Serpa a choice.  She can resign or I can sue West Warwick to get my money back plus a little bit in interest because she protected a Trump moron.

I am represented by counsel.  Everyone who does things on my behalf is represented by counsel.  There will be no plea bargains because we don’t do anything illegal.  If you take her path and try to have me falsely arrested for turning the free market against you, my right and creates the shame I desire, I will do as I did last time.  We will beat you in court and then we will decide if I want the money I invested while beating you back.  Of course, even if you got to a trial, if there are 3 women on the jury, you are toast anyway because they ain’t standing up for the rapist.  There are women who were sexually assaulted while young who already hate you.

Then of course you could bring up the Newport Statue.  The plan there would be to get an artist to create the statue of a pirate.  Might have to be Captain Kidd even though he’s wicked overrated.  Then we raise the cash and get it built.  One day, Columbus leaves and the Pirate guy takes over.  Without any fanfare at all.  (The goal is not to rub it in the faces of everyday Italian folks since they were indoctrinated this way.)  The difference of course is some statues exist while you’re trying to give an old one new life as a tribute to pedophilia.

In case you’re wondering, I am not going to send one of my license plate teams.  Whenever I do, I call the local police so they know what we’re up to.  Some kids might see the statue and think it’s cool without knowing the history.  Worse, an elder member of the Italian Community might want to visit it because it brings up happy memories.  They don’t need to get harassed for that.  They should be upset that their leadership has allowed them to go down this road where they can be harassed because other “activist” types aren’t as thoughtful as I am.

So here we are, us versus you.  Us: lawyers, politicians who don’t like pedophilia, Gen Z kids looking to make a difference, women of all sorts, and a lot of cash.  You??  A bunch of aging boomers who have never accomplished much who the entire state wishes would leave.  There might be some sex workers who would miss a few of the “regulars” but that’s about it.

I might as well bring this up.  You might want to show off how tough you are by playing the wannabe mob role.  This is where I get to remind you that while you were learning how to take bribes while talking like you were in a movie, I was producing and selling an actual refined cocaine product.  Because I don’t live in Massachusetts, I only see my friends at regional recovery meetings.  However, if I show them the video of your daddy employing the fake fetus, I’m sure I could put them back together for one more ride.  Of course, I would only do it for public relations reasons.

That’s right: your daddy aspires to be in lousy Saturday afternoon movies. I have 34 arrests, 3 indictments, and only 8 convictions.  I am most proud that I never had to turn snitch in order to achieve that.  We never called it Omerta, that belongs to somebody else, but we followed the principles.  That’s why none of my 34 arrests are for drugs.  Your crew is supposedly supposed to follow Omerta and your team snitches on each other every other week.  Lombardi probably turned state’s evidence so he could pocket his little envelope during the whole ILO deal.  Much like the worship of a guy who needs to be inside 11 year olds, that is also disgusting.

Please notice that I have not asked you not to do anything to rethink anything.  You do what you’re going to do.  We will do what we are going to do.  You can laugh at this if you like.  John Oster laughed the day I got arrested back then.  Then I got the results I was trying to achieve.  A few months later, I was here and he wasn’t.  Thanks to his own hand, mind you.  I like scoreboard like that.

One day, the Italian community will come together and realize that Columbus is a loser.  They will pick a new human.  We will help vet the new human so we don’t go through this again.  Then we will raise a ton of cash so Italian folks can remove the name of the pedophile and install the name of the new person.  Then we will have peace.  Until then, we won’t.  If you think this is fun, wait for October.  Our patience is done.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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