He Who Loses His Sense Of Humor Loses

There are going to be two important lessons passed on this week.  The first is you need not hurt everybody to make a point.  The second is because we control the free market, we need not break the law to create change.  While we’re doing all that, our boy Toth is about to show up.  He is the God of mathematics, writing, and scholarship.  Kindly do some word problems to celebrate him.

Monday May 15th: Ken Block has upset the QAnon community.  He hasn’t appeared in any posts yet but the MAGAts are upset.  We need to be prepared.

Tuesday May 16th: I do not want a repeat of what happened at Cranston Street.  I love that the homeless folks have a new place to go.  It still means we have work to do.

Wednesday May 17th: So Mississippi is screwing around with courts??  Of course they’re doing it to screw over black folks.  They should know that it can get expensive.

Thursday May 18th: I think the Texas Legislature and Governor have gone far enough.  We sit and wait for too long.  Time to gather the records we need to create change.

Friday May 19th: There is a guy in Westerly who is astroturfed by Judicial Watch.  Thanks to Johnston, Westerly is about to be in the news.  Two birds, one stone.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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