If Memory Serves, Westerly Has A Christopher Columbus Statue

7 April 2023

Honorable Westerly Town Council President Edward P. Morrone

Westerly Town Council

Westerly Town Hall

45 Broad Street, 2nd Floor

Westerly, RI  02891

Dear Council President Morrone:

I hope this message finds you well.  I was in your Town a couple of weeks back.  I had some business to do in Connecticut and we decided to go exploring for a little while.  Great shopping and food experiences to be had.

You might remember I was interacting with your Town a couple of years ago at the start of the Pandemic regarding your Christopher Columbus Statue.  During that encounter, one of your Officers found out I had a warrant and had me arrested.  As I said at the time, good job by him.

How did that turn out??  My lawyer and I destroyed the case put together by the Town of West Warwick.  More specifically, we destroyed the false claims brought forward by State Representative Pat Serpa on behalf of a racist Trump supporter.  Now that Trump has been indicted, for the first time of a few, she will soon be asked whether she wants to resign or if she wants me to sue her community so I can get the money back I invested in a lawyer and lost work time due to her false claim.  Please remember that if you read this letter and decide to come up with a false/shaky complaint that I have lawyers at the ready, I don’t plea bargain, I’m a big fan of Discovery, and I love it when motions are filed on my behalf.

You should also not feel alone in wanting to have your Columbus Statue, a tribute to rapists everywhere, discussed.  Joe Paolino is going through exactly the same thing after he bought one.  In fact, we might use the same methodology concerning yours depending on how successful it is.  It is time to start talking about your statue again and discuss when it will disappear.  It is time to discuss who appalling it was to have your Library Director try to whitewash the whipping and rape of 11 and 12 year old girls.  In case you’re wondering, no, you really can’t just take the statue down.  The world doesn’t work that way.

First, you have to reach out to your Italian Community.  For them, celebrating Columbus isn’t about Columbus.  For them, celebrating Columbus is about celebrating Italian Heritage.  Once all the statues disappear, the Holiday and celebrations have to be renamed.  Then we need to all get together and help them raise cash to celebrate the new human and the marketing surrounding the new human.  It should be a community effort.

What is interesting to watch is the number of organizations screwing themselves in Rhode Island because they refuse to make simple changes.  The folks behind the Tidewater Landing Project are close to watching that die because the unions endorsed a bunch of forced birth pigs who also happen to be grifters.  The Providence Teachers are screwing themselves over because they don’t say anything about a guy, Narducci, getting his name on a school after using the n-word a lot and attacking the homeless.  You have a Judicial Watch problem, in your town the astroturfed racist is named Chiaradio, and you do things that cause folks to spectate instead of helping you.

Do you really want to be attacked from the Left and the Right simultaneously??  In reality, 70% of the world is on my side and only the racists and Trump creeps hang with Chiaradio but you get the idea.  Imagine what it will be like if anyone Googles your town planning to go on vacation there??  I’ve sold resort rentals in your community.  You do not need any of this nonsense.

We will know you are ready to do the right thing when you reach out to the Italian Community.  Once again, nobody expects you to take down the Statue tomorrow.  We only ask you to start to make it clear that is the path you are on.  Otherwise, much like West Warwick may soon be discovering, this could be an expensive adventure.

There will come a day when Trump disappears.  There will come a day when people realize that the right wing of this country using the word “woke” is just code for the “n-word”.  There will come a day when we realize the Electoral College was a mistake.  Until those days arrive, shouldn’t you be protecting your citizens tax dollars??  Wasting them in order to protect the statue of a creep into whipping and raping 11 and 12 year old girls, after never landing in the actual United States, sounds like a direct insult to me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me,

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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