Things Are Definitely Changing But Are They Getting Better??

This week I found out that there are still 3 Overdose events at the Cranston Street Armory daily.  That annoys me on so many levels.  I will ask my Higher Power to reach out to St. Matthias for me.  On his Feast Day, we celebrate the fact that he was the first Apostle to be chosen for a job, the one Judas used to have, by the other Apostles instead of by Jesus.  Thank God it worked out.

Monday February 13th: Joe Paolino wants the Columbus Statue??  Seriously??  In the last 2 years, he seems to have forgotten where he came from.

Tuesday February 14th: Every so often, you have to reach out so folks are clear about your objectives.  This technique will not change all minds.  In fact, it will change few.  However, the universe always appreciates it.

Wednesday February 15th: A Texas Legislator sponsored an anti-transgender bill.  Normally I FOIA first.  This time, I want to speak to them directly first.

Thursday February 16th: Are things getting silly in Burrillville again??  Didn’t we go through this recently??  I guess we have to strike a little closer to home.

Friday February 17th: Does the city of Pawtucket know what kind of checks it has been writing thanks to its Mayor recently??  Time to contact the folks who show up when things go wrong.  McKee has set bad examples on so many levels.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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