There’s Still Time For Plenty Of Foolishness Before Christmas

The Hopi folks are celebrating New Year.  They drink a lot.  If that’s your thing, ancient Egyptians are also celebrating Sekhmet aka the Beer Goddess.  Just wear the color amber while you do it.  You’ll thank me later for the color advice.

Monday November 28th: Who handles the Liability Insurance Policy that covers the Providence Police Department??  Once you learn how to do something, you can repeat it.  More importantly, you can teach others to repeat it.

Tuesday November 29th: Feel bad for the Bishop in waiting yet??  Did he do a full background check on Tobin or did he just want the job so bad??  Let’s tell him what he’s in for.

Wednesday November 30th: A lot of Tourism Departments zip up next year’s planning right about now.  If they did something that upset you, this would be a good time to tell them.  One crew did exactly that by accident.

Thursday December 1st: Ever wonder about if Lombardi uses the North Providence Senior Center for money laundering??  I do too.  Let’s ask for some forms.

Friday December 2nd:  You think Narducci has screwed around with any homeless people lately??  The Providence School Board is messing with the appointed leadership.  There has to be a place where those two thoughts crossover where we can make a mess.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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