Amazon Needs To Blame Polisena And Not Lombardo

26 October 2022

Caitlin McLaughlin

New England Amazon Services Director

Amazon Boston Office

27 Melcher Street

Boston, MA  02210

Dear Director McLaughlin:

I hope this message finds you well.  Right from the beginning, I want you to know that my wife and I are happy Amazon Prime Customers.  This is not a reflection on the products we buy, the folks we speak to on the phone, or the delivery people.

A couple of months ago, State Senator Lombardo was chosen to be an inspector on your Johnston, Rhode Island Amazon Warehouse Project.  You may have heard through the grapevine that we have started to interact with him.  This is only the beginning.

I think Amazon has a positive impact for the most part.  Yes, the handling of the Thursday night football game on Prime Video could be a little better, but you will dial that in.  In our house, I cannot go a couple of days without my wife referring to one of your products as something “we need”.

While it is easy to like you in general, there are some specific areas where you are somewhat embarrassing.  The way you treat your own workforce is the first one.  The bathroom stories alone are enough to turn people off for a day or two.

We are hoping your Rhode Island experience changes this.  When the Rhode Island team starts to organize a union, your response will teach us about you.  You think those promises you got from Rhode Island leaders about not supporting a union were meant in earnest??  Please don’t admit that you did.

So if for the most part if we like you, why are we messing with your, excuse me, playfully interacting with your project??  You picked Mayor Polisena’s community.  There are 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island.  30+ are normal.  A few are sketchy.  Two, namely Johnston and North Providence, are run by forced birth pigs who voted for Trump.  In the case of North Providence, they even get a minor league pass because Mayor Lombardi only got elected because a wannabe journalist named Jim Hummel stalked a child.  He was fired soon after that.

In Polisena’s case, he used to be a State Senator.  Not only does he think the whipping and rape of 11 and 12 year old girls is part of Italian culture, when he was a State Senator, he brought a fake fetus to the Senate Floor in order to deny women their right to body autonomy.  The moment you selected him, everyone wanted your project to “go through things”.

Yes, Senator Lombardo is a forced birth pig.  However, out of the collection of forced birth pigs we have to offer, he somewhat keeps to himself.  Meanwhile he is also not a grifter like the other pigs.  They’re all wannabe mafia types with less talent than the average 5th grader.  I’m sure the day you met him you figured out Senator Lombardo had a clue.

You’re wondering why we didn’t engage in these behaviors during the selection process??  In New York, there is something called the Compare Politics Model.  It’s where the word “Goombah” comes from.  It makes everything there transactional at its base. If you have done a project in New York, you know exactly what this means.  The Rhode Island forced birth pig crew would like to practice this model here but they do not have the intellect or the talent.  Let’s face reality – when reading this paragraph, most of them had to look up the definition of “transactional”.  That’s what happens when your parents do not invest in your education properly.

When transactional politics are in play, it is best to mess a deal up after it starts instead of before.  We know you made payments to Polisena and a few others.  If we screw up the project now, you’re going to want some of that money back.  He is not going to want to give it to you.  Time to get out the popcorn.

Please do not feel bad.  There is this City Councilman in Providence named Narducci.  He’s basically illiterate, uses the N-word, belongs to a disgusting organization known as the Knights of Columbus, and likes to cause harm to homeless people.  He thinks his family name is going to stay on a Providence School.  How do we explain to any homeless kid or any black kid or for that matter any young girl how that name got on the school they’re supposed to attend??  

The school is a little further in the process so we’re just patiently waiting for the right moment.  Yes, the Rhode Island Department of Education knows fully well what we’re up to.  Because we use the free market and do not commit any crimes, it is hard to develop a plan to stop us from having our fun.  Of course, in the last 21 years the degree that we need to achieve in order to produce a desired result has changed dramatically.

I have no idea how old you are so if this paragraph contains stuff you already know, I apologize.  My blog readers will still get a kick out of it.  Before 9/11, businesses were judged based on their ability to produce revenue.  Everything was about driving numbers.  Back then working in retail meant having some sales talent.  Since 9/11 a profit fetish has taken over.  Revenue is great but all the exit strategies are based on profitability and not sales generation.  Now, being in retail is about display or recovery or facing or whatever your store calls it.  This is why customers are so angry because the product knowledge focus has been replaced by a “where the product is and if you don’t have it now, when’s truck day” focus.  It should be noted that I do not think 9/11 caused any of this but that seems to be when the focus changed.

What that means for us is when messing with any project, we only have to move the needle a little.  In this case, we will get assistance from women in the area because Dobs happened at the same time you decided to work with a fake fetus boy.  Due to supply chain issues, you’re already off by 4 months.  Because Polisena is illiterate, his son isn’t much better, I’m guessing that Summer of 2023 will turn into Fall of 2023 and sooner or later, Christmas Shopping Season 2023.  

If you had asked, we would have told you 37 other communities would have been a better choice.  That means if we are only partially successful, you’re looking at Spring 2024.  How much money does that cost you??  How far away from the original profit projections does that take you??  When does your boss start asking you questions??

Would you like to make an announcement that you would agree to a union now??  If Rhode Island becomes the state where Amazon Management opens their arms to a union, we could forget about the fake fetus incident.  Since we’re using free market techniques due to our anger over your location choice, this is an offer to make a deal and not extortion.  Having lawyers handy is cool.

Along those lines, yes Senator Lombardo could try to pull an arrest power play.  Oh wait, another forced birth pig named Pat Serpa tried that and failed miserably.  Now I get to sue her community or threaten to sue it in exchange for things.  I’m sure Senator Lombardo has heard this happened.

In any event, please do not blame Senator Lombardo for anything that is about to happen via the free market.  He has one position that is offensive and he’s doing business with a total pig, but other than that he is a good guy.  We would like to see his reputation protected.

Maybe next time somebody decides to locate a warehouse somewhere, they’ll check into how the Mayor of said community treated women’s rights.  We have a Congressional candidate who is about to lose because the Governor, who 68% of the Party voted against in the Primary, has a Polisena connection.  If you think folks are angry now over anything to do with Polisena, wait until after Election Day and women in the Party can blame the Magaziner loss on him.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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