Would The NFT Marketplace Benefit From Some Ted Cruz Flavor??

13 August 2022

Chief of Police J. Thomas Manger

Capitol Police

119 D Street, NE

Washington, DC  20510

Dear Chief Manger:

I hope this message finds you well.  I was in DC twice during April and it was an outstanding experience both days.  Thanks for keeping us safe.

If you check the phone logs, I had to call the Capitol Police last week.  A young lady got charged with abortion in Nebraska.  Many of us started to put together lists of how we plan to retaliate via the free market.  Those plans are being finalized this weekend.  

Because we respect local law enforcement, we stay within the boundaries of the law.  That cannot be said for everybody.  Internet chatter started to get so extreme and violent, especially in the direction of Senator Ben Sasse, that I had to call your team just in case.

When an undereducated flyover state that we have to pay for because it cannot pay its own bills does something stupid, we immediately put together a list of largest employers.  Then we go and determine what access those employers need to be profitable.  Usually that involves blue state marketplaces.  Headquarters in red states make sense since you can trade urine for property, nobody cares about local education so taxes are low, and wages are 1960’s level.  When it’s time to generate revenue, suddenly you have a problem.

By restricting access to blue state marketplaces, you can literally choke red state businesses to death.  Since you are only using buying habits in conjunction with Planning, Zoning, and Codes Departments, you are not breaking the law.  There is no freedom from economic consequence.

Sadly, in a social media world, folks aren’t always so patient.  We did have the right wing assailant who showed up at a local FBI Office with a nail gun.  The free market takes too long for some.  Along those lines, the drive to Nebraska is also out of bounds.  However, everybody knows red state Congresspeople and Senators serve in DC.  They also know courts might just nullify.

I wrote about that to one of your predecessors a couple of years ago.  Imagine for a moment Ted Cruz is somehow shot.  Your first problem will be keeping women from stepping on the corpse while you try to maintain a pristine crime scene.  Then you’re going to have folks trying to get pictures as he is dying to be sold as NFT’s later.  I would never put you through this because I respect you.  Others not so much.

Take it a step further.  A younger woman kills Samuel Alito while on Snapchat.  You gather all the evidence.  You present the best case imaginable.  Small problem: there are more than 2 women on the jury.  Because of what he did, even with the evidence you have, they nullify.

To be clear, I do not endorse these actions.  I plan to FOIA the National Archives again for the Kavanaugh documents and then go to court.  In the case of Alito, the Federalist Society lists all their local members.  In blue states and cities, the free market can interfere at the local level.  Cult member Justice Barrett has a husband with several low hanging business ventures to muddle with.  So does Ginni Thomas.  I prefer that path.

Sadly, you do not get to choose the path ahead of time.  Knowing that the want of violence is out there I have a question.  If it is something you cannot comment on, I understand.  Would it be more appropriate to ask for more Federal dollars??  This is tricky because the people who you are trying to protect are currently supporting an attempted coup.  

Or is it more appropriate to ask states to provide more protection for their people??  This is tricky because what happens if the Officer from Oklahoma is out doing their job and they see a robbery??  Are they allowed to respond while not in their state??  If they do not respond and things go South, are they liable??  I would be sorry for the people of Oklahoma having to bear the brunt of higher insurance costs all the way around no matter what choice you make but they were one of the states that decided a woman was property due to the words of a magic sky wizard.

Oh wait a second, it is worse than that.  Matthew 5:17 exists.  Jesus was Pro Choice so they cannot even blame it on the sky wizard.  Us Catholics take it a step further.  We’re told to hate gay people.  Even though we’re taught that, right before communion every week we say the words of a guy who loved gay sex.  That’s why 68% of us are Pro Choice and cool with gay people.  We can shut our ears off during homilies.  What we can’t do is ignore the pedophilia, always present in any religious organization, and so churches are closed.  When you get down to it, none of the red states have an excuse for their behavior.

You have a question??  Why don’t we go after law enforcement directly since they’re making the arrests??  We could but it is counterproductive.  Yes, 23% of all enforcement personnel are hood wearing creeps.  That does not mean you treat the other 77% in a nasty manner.  You treat everyone with great respect unless they out themselves.  

It should be noted that while the average is 23%, it is not close to equally spread out.  Most Departments, based on the stats, have 2% or around 70%.  Yes, the creeps in your profession tend to cluster.  You seem to be running a 2% Department.  Congratulations on that.

If you’re wondering if we haven’t had workshops on “How do you make a bad cop swallow their gun??” we have.  One big problem.  Anything you do to a bad cop can be re-engineered against a good cop.  Losing a good cop is ten times worse than tossing a bad cop.  Therefore, at the local level we concentrate on DA’s, County Executives, and the like.  Family Background checks on everybody involved in the Nebraska event will be wrapping up soon.  Then the week following next, we can start putting up relatives and people’s couches when they get fired.  The free market is a beautiful thing.

If more details about Trump’s selling of our intelligence comes out, you could need cash and personnel right away.  How do we help you get that??  Of course, if you already have your own plan, we’ll stay out of your way and just root for you.  The other thing of course we fear is what tends to happen during drug violence.  The subject hates a particular red state because of an abortion arrest and so they watch Fox News for a week to see who to hate the most.  

They go down to the Capitol with a certain Congressperson in mind.  They just purchased their weapon of choice because the guy at the gun shop said killing “rabbits” would be easier with said weapon.  They’ve never been to the range.  They have no idea what level of trigger pressure they need.  They find the Congressperson and act like it’s a video game.  Rounds fly everywhere.  Some little kids get killed because a red state thought women were property.  We would like to avoid that too.

I don’t envy the situation you are in.  I don’t think a lot of leaders of law enforcement “played the tape forward enough” to consider what kind of behaviors these laws could encourage.  For me, I’ll be doing my free market thing and helping folks find new jobs when their old one gets closed because the HQ is in the wrong state.  I will also enjoy Nebraska’s economic stats tank as we do our work.  If you need help garnering money to keep your community safe, I have many phone bankers at the ready.  Then again, maybe the NFT market needs some Ted Cruz flavor.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If we can be of assistance to you, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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