Narducci Would Have Messed With The Montanez Family

21 July 2022

Superintendent Dr. Javier Montanez

Providence School Department

797 Westminster Street

Providence, RI  02903

Dear Superintendent Montanez:
I hope this message finds you well.  I understand that Summer School this year has brought its own set of challenges.  I have no doubt you have the talent to handle them.

Congratulations on achieving the Superintendent’s position.  Everyone I talk to says great things about you.  Your biography says you will lead with compassion but be direct when you need to be.

I hate to be the one to do this to you, it had to be somebody, but I also have to remind you that your position puts you in the center of conflict.  It used to be that schools just ran schools and now the Republicans want to censor everything.  Beyond that, schools are now being used to whitewash the behavior of some.  This trend is truly disgusting.

Making it more disgusting is it happening in Providence as we speak.  A rather deplorable human, Nicholas Narducci, has managed to get his name on a school for now.  Not only is this obvious whitewashing, it will have a negative effect on children.  Many around the state, and country – like Senator Ruggerio, once you tell people outside of Rhode Island what Councilman Narducci stands for people immediately hate him – want this choice to be rescinded and a more appropriate name connected to the former Windmill Street School.

We start with the most disqualifying activity.  Councilman Narducci is a bigot.  He throws around the N-word constantly.  He has said bigoted things on social media.  Recently, he tried to deny that white privilege existed.  Need I repost the Too Many Scup story again or can you think of a moment in your own life when you observed white privilege in action??

It’s 2022 and Mr. Narducci still boasts of his Knights of Columbus membership.  Forgetting for a moment that Columbus never got here and his only claim to fame his the whipping and rape of 13 year old girls, it could be worse – Mayor Polisena thinks that’s “Italian Culture”,  Councilman Narducci is doing so with a (D) in front of his name after the Dobbs decision came down.  In most of the country, the K of C spends its time transporting creeps to intimidate and assault women headed into health care facilities.  No one connected to this filth should have their names on anything.

When he is not doing that, he is beating up on the homeless.  If I remember correctly, you would know about the homeless experience.  You remember what each day was like from start to finish.

Imagine as a kid, again with a (D) in front of his name, somebody shows up and throws all your stuff away.  Not only does he throw your stuff away but he seems to really be enjoying it.  After he is done disrupting whatever little your family had, he goes to the media so he can celebrate in your face.  That is exactly what Councilman Narducci did.

I was created by a 13 year old who had a sexual relationship with her 34 year old brother.  The side effects of incest include mental illness and addiction.  Yes, I was adopted by a great family.  Yes, I did attend private schools, skip grades, travel widely while campaigning or just exploring and have been to events in places I probably didn’t deserve to attend.  Yes, I will be celebrating 20 years of sobriety in a couple of months.  I never forget how I started and what my life could have been.  I never forget that in order to stay sober, I have to go find those that are still suffering and offer them the opportunity to change their lives.  I spend a lot of time in alleys and bike paths and “campgrounds” for no other reason than to stay sober.  He attacked the people I try to help.  He attacked the people that, if not for a few lucky breaks I cannot understand nor explain, I probably should be living with.  That is of course provided I had stayed alive this long.

How much whitewashing are we going to allow??  Imagine if you’re a young black girl who has to go to this school and you go look up the name??  Imagine that this young girl has experienced homelessness??  Why should any creep’s name be on any school??

We plan to use the free market and political tools to make a mess.  Everyone in the city will know you do not want to attend this school.  Parents with cash in Warwick are finding out about Hendricken as we speak.  Teachers will know they do not want to teach in this school.  Every public event will be challenged.  Every grant will be disrupted.  Any “normal” day could dissipate into chaos rather quickly without a law ever being broken thanks to social media.  That will continue until the name comes down.  We have a right to speak out against bigots having their names on schools.  We have the right to make it a horrible experience for all involved.  We have the right to reject the whitewashing of a filthy human being.

Those are not the only tricks up our sleeve.  Allegedly, we have already gathered soil samples from the site.  We noticed right away that once the creep got involved, the process seemed to quicken and missed a few steps.  Allegedly, we have already tested our sample so we know what other tests will reveal.  Of course we are not going to file a complaint with the EPA or walk into a courtroom anywhere until the school year has started.  That way, if you have to move teachers and students around, it is as annoying as possible.  We keep that is a small price to pay to keep bigoted trash from using the school as a shield.

How expensive are you willing to let things get??  Do you really want to start out of the box with a bunch of unbudgeted costs just waiting for you??  By the way, don’t take this personally.  Due to Councilman Narducci’s disgusting actions and life views, no matter who got the gig was going to get this letter.

It should also be noted that each Narducci issue is disqualifying by itself.  There are no deals to be made.  Most people want his ignorant ass living in Mississippi.  They do not want someone like him in government and lord knows they do not want kids attending anything named after him.

While all of this makes me angry that it was allowed to happen in the first place, that does not mean help will not be provided when asked for when the Narducci school is not involved.  God forbid you know a kid who has already wandered down the path of addiction or has parents suffering from addiction, kids with parents suffering from addiction are the group of folks who reach out to me most via the blog, but I will be happy to go and speak to any group or individual you need to.  In the case of the Narducci school, if the battle is still being contested, we will do it out in the parking lot.

I wish previous leadership had thought differently.  I wish Chairman Igliozzi could read any room he walks into but he always plays blind.  This happening was not your fault but you can definitely fix it on behalf of homeless kids everywhere.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira


Warwick, RI

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