Just Because Something Is Not Being Said Does Not Mean People Are Not Feeling It

8 May 2022

Treasurer Victoria Almeida

Seth Magaziner for Congress

PO Box 40993

Providence, RI  02940

Dear Treasurer Almeida:

I hope this message finds you well.  Most folks don’t appreciate how much work a Treasurer does on behalf of a campaign.  This is especially true in a Congressional race.  Your service, even if I don’t end up supporting your candidate, is greatly appreciated.

The question of whether I will support your candidate or not in the Primary is why we are here.  The Honorable Treasurer knew that Roe was on the table when he had had a women’s event.  Even though that was true, he still advertised the names of 3 rather questionable women at the time the event was held.  Since I have been threatened many times while escorting women into health care centers, I take Roe v. Wade as personally as a guy can.

The first name that draws my attention is someone I have a “relationship” with.  Rep. Pat Serpa decided back in 2020 that I should get arrested.  She asked a racist Donald Trump supporter named Thomas Oates to lie to the police about me.  Of course I hired a great lawyer and beat the case.  I suppose I should be impressed that I was able to rattle her to that level.

Before all of those events, Rep. Serpa established herself as a forced birth pig.  She does not belong in the Democratic Party, never mind an event being held on behalf of a potential Congressional Candidate.  When she’s not doing that, she has a history of being a corrupt associate of a former disgusting Speaker, not surprisingly also a forced birth pig, Nicholas Mattiello.

Secondly, he invited Senator Maryellen Goodwin.  She is also a forced birth pig who is holding up the EACA in the Senate right now.  If there were a protest on the EACA in front of the Senator’s House, which side would Seth be on??

If that were not bad enough, she is a defender of worthless Providence City Council member Nicholas Narducci.  She defends his membership in the Knights of Columbus – a woman hating organization that defends pedophilia.  She defended his assault on homeless folks earlier this year.  She defends his corrupt acts regarding the funding of the DaVinci Center.  She is also unworthy of our Party and will be removed this year.

Last but not least, the Treasurer invited Providence City Council member Jo Ann Ryan.  We have no idea what her actual positions are since they seem to be for sale.  We all thought she was Pro Choice.  Then last cycle, much like another Councilor is doing this year, she suddenly hated choice and became a Senator Ruggerio associate.

Due to the EACA not passing yet, we plan to protest at Senator Ruggerio’s house.  We know the empty shell that is Joann Ryan would be on the Ruggerio side.  How does Treasurer Magaziner feel about these associations??  We all know how we do.

The striking part is in 1992, I used to sit in meetings with Seth’s dad a lot.  He didn’t talk about a lot of political positions.  However, he did believe in Choice and he was not a fan of the grifting wing, which is full with forced birth pigs, here in our home state.  Seth has seemed to turn his back on his father’s positions.

It should be noted that this period of time is making everyone question the current day acts of Joe Paolino.  Mr. Paolino used to believe as we did.  Today, Mr. Paolino forms an alliance with one forced birth pig after another.  When he is not doing that, Mr. Paolino is taking shots at the mentally ill and recovery communities.  Seth should probably stay away from Mr. Paolino as well.  This makes me extremely sad because it was Mr. Paolino who gave me the job as Field Coordinator for the Clinton Campaign here in Rhode Island that put me in the role where I would meet with Mr. Magaziner as often as I did back then.

Back then, Roe was only 20 years old and Trump was 30 years from happening.  We could afford to be a little more relaxed.  That is not true today.  Women in red states are under constant attack.  The 3 people I mentioned would fulfill their Benedict Arnold like destinies and choose to be on the attacking side.  Why would Seth want anything to do with them??

If your response is, “Well, Bobby, I haven’t heard a lot about this.”  Because of the way these 3 people conduct themselves, you won’t.  Remember, I had a Facebook fight with Pat Serpa and she recruited a Trump supporter to lie about me.  I have cash for legal counsel.  I work for myself so I cannot be fired.  A lot of folks are not in that situation nor do they have the resources to defend themselves if 1 of these 3 tries something stupid.  Just because it is not being said does not mean people are not feeling it.

If you do not publicly dismiss these 3, things are not going to go well for the campaign.  The battle over Roe v. Wade is only going to intensify.  Senator Ruggerio is only going to delay more moving Senator Goodwin into the spotlight.  The attacks on Senator Bell are only going to get worse, reminding everyone of who ran against him last year.  Everyday, I find a new human to tell the “Pat Serpa is such an untalented clown, she reached out to Thomas Oates to get me in trouble” story.  Whenever her name gets mentioned, somebody is laughing.  Heck, somebody might read this and want to show off on my behalf.  All of that will not create great vibes around your efforts.

Lastly, let me be clear about something.  Under no circumstances will I vote for a Republican or cast some moronic 3rd Party protest vote in this race.  However, do you want me to knock doors in the Final should your candidate get there or just check a box??  More importantly, the day after the election, do you want folks working on the Primary 2 years from now should you be successful this year??

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveia

Warwick, RI  02886


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