A Little Birdy Told Me That The North Providence And Johnston Police Chiefs Should LAWYER UP

12 April 2022

Chief Alfredo Ruggiero Jr.

North Providence Police Department

1967 Mineral Spring Avenue

North Providence, RI  02911

Chief Joseph P. Razza

Johnston Police Department

1651 Atwood Avenue

Johnston, RI  02919

Dear Chief Ruggiero and Chief Razza:

I hope this message finds you well.  I would like to thank you both for the time and dedication you have put into your jobs.  It is great to have so many local police officers, whether on the beat or at the leadership level, who I only hear positive things about.

Let me get two issues out of the way regarding this communication.  First, Chief Ruggerio has top billing because North Providence has roughly 3,500 more people than Johnston does.  I had no idea until I looked it up.  Someone had to have that spot and I figured the “total population the Chief is responsible for” would be the way to go.

Secondly, I know free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it.  However, I have heard some things that I need to bring to your attention.  It would be wrong just to present them without providing a solution.  What qualifications do I have to offer the solution that I am about to present??  I have a lifetime record of 33 arrests, 3 indictments, but only 8 convictions.  One of my arrests was in Mexico and by playing by local rules, I got away unscathed.  I ran a refined cocaine product enterprise for 2 years and never got arrested for that.  I got sober at the ACI for God’s sake.  I am most proud of the fact that I was able to achieve my “defendant success”, including that one time a DUI got turned into an OUI, thanks to great legal talent and never having to snitch.  It is the snitch element that we must discuss today.

As you both know, both of your communities are under investigation at the moment.  In North Providence, we have a loud investigation.  I am not saying the letter I wrote about Mayor Lombardi did the trick, but somehow the FBI showed up to investigate the ILO Group and the money Mayor Lombardi extorted from their deal.  Meanwhile, Amazon, due to wage theft and other “mistreatment of employee” issues, is bringing attention to Johnston.

While I have a long criminal record, I have a great relationship with many police officers because I play things straight up.  I also have helped literally hundreds of people to find sobriety.  Once they do, they are no longer your problem.  Yes, 23% of all police officers are white nationalists, up from 8% before Trump happened, but no officer should be smeared with that until they do something racist.

I am so proud I do not hear those kinds of things about your Departments.  I hear much more about your Mayors using the N-word, ok, if we’re being fair, Providence City Councilman Narducci uses the N-word enough that you could confuse him with a Nascar fan from Alabama, but not you guys.  Black folks tell me all the time when they had a run-in with you, they were treated fairly.

That is important with this being an election year and all.  In 2020, I rattled Pat Sepa to the point where she asked a racist supporter of hers to lie to the policeMy lawyer and I easily beat the case.  Please note that I had not taken any legal action against any West Warwick Officer because it wasn’t their fault she got rattled.  Her lack of talent is also not their fault.

You two are in the same position.  You have two illiterates with no talent as Mayors.  As investigations close in, they are going to get rattled.  If one of them asks you to arrest me, I get it.  That’s what lawyers are for.  We can go enjoy clamcakes later.

Your Mayors are a lot like Trump.  They both hate women and obviously cannot take care of business in the bedroom.  We know that because they both believe the uterus is theirs to control.  It is a sign of insecurity.  They both want to play the strong man role when like Trump they whine a lot.  They both have their hands out all the time like Trump does.  Much like Trump, all we have to do is keep looking and we will find stuff.

In fact, that is what is happening right now.  I am not suggesting you have ever colluded with your Mayors but think about the folks who have.  Do you really think these two Mayors are going to practice Omerta??  Both of them lack character so nobody does.  That is bad news for you.

Do you both realize that the public sees you as compromised??  How could you take a job from said Mayor unless you were “in on it”??  By the way, I know that is not true.  However, if both Mayors are taking bribes in your community, can you blame the average voter wondering if you get a cut??  Again, not true but the wondering happens.

It would probably be in Chief Ruggerio’s interests to start talking about LEOBOR more actively.  We all know that Mayor Lombardi likes to micromanage.  We know he hates gays/blacks/women so his sudden need to repeal LEOBOR has nothing to do with them.  It is all about screwing with Chief Ruggerio.  We get it.

Take it a step further.  One of the many investigations, no, these are not the last ones by a long shot, I promise, starts to corner one of the Mayors.  The Mayor wants to hold onto his freedom.  What has his hero Trump been doing for 4 decades??  Laundering cash and turning names over.  Both Mayors need to trade something big based on what they have allegedly done.  What would play better than handing over a Police Chief even if the entire thing is based on a series of lies??

Oh wait, it got worse.  McLaughlin, Place, and Perez all filed disgusting abortion bills.  Everyone on the Pro Choice side wants to screw one of these two Mayors.  Therefore, some in the Pro Choice world might be “encouraging” some folks involved in the probes to come forward.  That intensifies the need to give one of you up.

Oh wait, it got worse again.  Texas arrested a young lady.  They released her but at the moment of arrest, do not think folks were not discussing “lessening” the Mayors’ health prospects.  For the record, I respect local law enforcement too much to ever engage in actual crime now that I’m sober.  I believe in using free market tools to correct problems.  However, some people were mad at Texas and wanted to take it out on the two Mayors.  I counseled them against that.  Now that the Mayors know about it, they need to “move” as well as snitch so the need to turn on someone of value, being you, increases.

This is where I told you I would provide a solution.  A little birdy told me it would be in both your best interests to lawyer up if you have not already.  I know a lot of attorneys.  I know many people with cash who do not want to see any Police Chief, even if they were a little out of bounds, go down for any wannabe mafia Mayor.  If you need help, it is here.

Now your reaction to that might be, “Hey Bobby, I’ve arrested enough folks, seen enough Defense Attorneys work, I got a good idea who I would want in my corner should the need ever happen.”  If so, by all means I wish you the best of luck.  The situation you have been put in is not fair.

However, your reaction also could be, “You know Bobby, this situation is a little white collarish for my liking.  Yeah, if it were a DUI or a possession, or some minor league assault beef, I know who to get for one of those.  In this case, I am not so sure.”  The help is here should you need it.

The only way we can solve Rhode Island’s problems is if we work together.  That means folks of divergent backgrounds have to put aside differences when facing a common enemy.  Wannabe mafia Mayors who hate women and steal tax dollars are a fine example of where to begin.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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