Igliozzi Wants To Try Cop Cosplay

24 January 2022

Honorable Providence Councilwoman Joann Ryan

Providence City Council

Providence City Hall

25 Dorrance Street

Providence, RI  02903

Honorable Councilwoman Ryan:

I hope this message finds you well.  After the “Special Meeting” or whatever that abortion was where Igliozzi announced he kept people from getting fired who were not going to be fired that day, it was announced that you would be Chairing the effort to continuously look at the vaccine mandate issue.  Many of us thought we could save you some time.

Before I begin, there are folks deserving of praise.  RIDOT Legal Counsel Paul A. Carnes made the information I am going to discuss in this communication available.  Chief Implementation Aide Debra A. Jarrow received my original request and made sure I had an answer back in 48 hours.  I am sure many of their teammates, who I would also mention if I knew their names, are also deserving of praise as they helped along the way.

On September 7th of last year, the Director of Administration sent out a letter saying all public health care employees should be vaccinated by Friday, October 1st, 2021.  That is 24 days.  Yet, Councilman Igliozzi did not stand up for the health care workers.  Further, he never asked that people working for RIDOT never be subjugated to such a mandate.

No, because we can do math unlike some of you, it is not lost on us that there might be more days between the “pretend meeting” and whatever further step you take on Providence’s vaccine mandate regarding Police Officers than the 25 the health care workers were given to get vaccinated.  Do you all think that little of us that you would put on a show like this and we would not notice??

Is the problem that Mr. Igliozzi wants to Cosplay as a cop and he thinks this will get him in the club??  If it is truly about freedom, why did he “protect” cops and not health care workers??  Does he actually believe that the police do not deal with folks who are fragile and may be compromised??  Does he think that after an encounter with a Providence Police Officer, every citizen should have to go do a home test because you do not know who is tested and who is not??  Expect these questions to come up in jury trials all the time if you make any kind of change.  If an Officer is hiding their vaccination status, especially when the anti-vax movement is connected to white nationalism, what else are they hiding??

Based on this information,  many of us are asking you to discontinue this fraudulent process you are engaged in today.  Tell the Officers you tried but, due to your incompetence and stupidity, it turns out in hindsight they trusted the wrong people to have their backs.  They had a tough case to begin with but asking you and Igliozzi made the plot was laugh out loud funny from the get go.

If you continue the process, please understand when you get treated as an anti-vax Trump supporter that you earned it.  All of it.  Everything your family sees, everything your contributors go through, everything that gets in the way of normal “Providence Business” that the citizens rely on is something you brought on yourself.

Was the Senate Primary that long ago??  How did you feel each day as that was happening??  It was not that long ago that we found you, a supposed Democrat, taking a contribution from a player at a religious institution, namely LaSalle Academy, to reduce their tax contributions, on behalf of a forced birth pig named Ruggerio.  Democrats are Pro Choice.  We do not do favors for organizations that do not support choice.  We do not do favors for the anti-vax movement.  We certainly will do favors for law enforcement but not when the result of such a favor puts everyone else on a ventilator.  This is not supposed to be that difficult.

Alas, this is not the last time we get to talk to you this way this year.  Some members of the Providence City Council plans on naming a school for that bully Narducci.  Like you, he was asked by a forced birth pig to run for a seat in the State Legislature.  Unlike you, Narducii is already a forced birth pig so he didn’t have to hide anything.  Unlike you he chose not to when the facts of life were explained to him.  

Your Council makes this change and folks from all around the state are going to gang up on you.  As Democrats, we are pro-Choice.  As Democrats, we help the homeless and we do not bully them.  Anything named for Narducci will be subject to all kinds of hilarity.  Then two years later the name gets changed anyway.  Nothing should be named for a bigoted, sexist, illiterate.  You will once again be shown how few people think like you.  Actually, you just do what pigs up the chain tell you to do so there isn’t any thinking happening in the first place.

It should be noted that we will never break the law.  We control the free market so that is unnecessary.  If you do not act according to our wishes, we will gang up from around the state and show you the error of your ways.  The best part is, as I explained to the Capitol Police about Trump supporters sometime ago, even if we screw up and cross a line, no jury is going to help out the white nationalist anti-vax crowd.  This is not rural Wisconsin.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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