A Chance For Senator Ruggerio To Repent

24 January 2022

Honorable Rhode Island Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio

Rhode Island Senate

State House

82 Smith Street, Rm 318

Providence, RI  02903

Honorable Senate President Ruggerio:

I hope this message finds you well.  I hope the COVID-19 virus has stayed away from your team.  I did have to quarantine this week, but because I’m vaxxed and boosted, it is a mere inconvenience while my body feels as great as it normally does.

I am writing to you today to request that you ask a couple of Senators to make Motions to Reconsider considering the two veto override votes you took on the first day of the session.  You might remember that on that day, you played an immature game of “gotcha” with some members saying that only “present” members, due to language written in the late 1700’s, could vote on veto overrides.  Someone must have given you bad advice since that same language applies to voice votes and motions regarding “regular” matters.

It should be noted that based on the totals from that day, the Motions to Reconsider will not change the outcomes.  You are allowing members you forced an incomprehensible choice upon to put their votes on the record.  Many of us are still wondering why you would become so petty over matters of such low significance unless there was a financial reward on the other end??

If you allow for the Motion to Reconsider, everybody is happy.  If you do not, the first thing that happens is this Ethics Complaint gets filed against you:

Then, all members who did vote that day on the two overrides will be hit with Campaign Finance Violations since they received an improper in-kind contribution from you.  Lastly, because it is important to be thorough, an Open Meetings Act inquiry will be filed.  You seem to like to do things for “campaign purposes.”  Why can’t we??

My personal suggestion is that you talk to some other Italian folks from around the country.  Lord knows you’re going to make some dumb cultural reference as you often do to protect your forced birth pig status or your taking of NRA money.  Let me save you the trouble.  Most Italian politicians around the nation know who you are, just like they know the names Corvese, Polisena, Lombardi, et cetera and they find all of you embarrassing.  They do not pretend the church forces them to take moronic social positions.  Secondly, if they have to do anything mafia like, they do it with the real mafia and not a bunch of illiterates pretending they’re in a movie.  After dealing with the Elefante crew up in Utica for 7 years, I have to tell you Rhode Island is a huge disappointment organized crime wise.

Your sad reality is your forced birth pig stance means you only have money from here.  The world is a big place and doesn’t like your kind.  Worse, I have heard about the “bodyguards” you surround yourself with.  Do they realize that by “guarding” you, which either violates campaign finance law or tax law or represents an illegal government expenditure or all 3 combined because it’s you, they attach themselves to the forced birth pig movement??  Why do that to people??  So a guy who stole condoms in order to sleep with a government employee instead of his wife, she will be asked for comments numerous times in the next 9 months about that day, can feel “big”??  In case you haven’t figured it out, anyone with a high school education is not fooled by the forced pig movement and has no respect for any of you.  More importantly, again having dealt with the real mafia, none of us fear any of you.

I will be fair.  You could fix a lot of it by learning to speak in public more properly.  Again, you are not living in a B-movie from the 70’s.  I’m sorry, but as a 25 year old kid, I went to 38 states to campaign on behalf of Bill Clinton.  I got to listen to him daily.  I’m spoiled.  Then in 2008 and 2016, I got to organize different spots for Hillary.  If any of the wannabe mafia types tried to respond to this letter in the wrong way, who do you think my friends and family going to call??  Actually that would be Henry Kissinger.  We’re Eskimo Brothers and I took care of a favor for one of his friends back in ‘85 when I was living at Astors’ Beechwood.

All that aside, everyone deserves a chance to repent, make amends, do the right thing going forward.  This is yours.  First, ask for the motion to reconsider.  Then ask yourself if you’re a Democrat.  You and I both know that’s a fraud.  Before you decide to continue the fraud, ask yourself if you really want to be in a competition where if the other side has the ability to out-spend you 10 to 1.  All anyone has to do is make a trip to the city and mention your name.

Personally, I suggest taking a train to the city.  If you have not done it, it is a great family experience.  Because I am a Hilton Rewards member, I stay at the Millennium in the Financial District.  Recapturing old drunken hangouts in sobriety has been awesome.  If you start doing the right things, you can recapture your entire career.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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