They Wanted A Different Date

You know that Independence Day was supposed to be July 2nd, right??  Sadly, they ran into an editing problem.  Why the 2nd??  Yes, I know some of our Iranians friends have been doing some wild stuff since last week, but I think it is simpler than that.  Sirius would appear to be the reason for the date choice.

This again shows that Evangelical white nationalists know nothing about our country.  The Founders were Deist.  The Pledge was written by Socialists.  All our Holidays are dipped in Pagan tradition because that is what our Founders were into.  With the 14th looming, and my lawyer’s Motion to Dismiss, it is time to start fighting back.  Not holding up signs.  Not making hashtags go viral.  Fighting back.

Monday July 5th:  Folks who sit on the Executive Committee of our Party should honor our values.  Folks who sit on the Executive Committee should not be trying to put protestors in jail.  The whole “forced birth pigs will advocate for unions” experiment has failed.

Tuesday July 6th:  Why ask one person to resign if you can ask for two??  Last year’s election was probably more of a crush than we thought.  If we make this change, we might not just hold everything in 2022 but expand.

Wednesday July 7th: Conservatives used to be stylish and principled.  Now they are just ignorant and easy to sucker.  How do the folks who used to push style and principles feel about this??

Thursday July 8th:  Being an open racist in a blue state is going to get you attention.  Doing it while you are a Pastor gives me a chance to score bonus points.  Before we act, we must gather.

Friday July 9th: So not only did you AstroTurf a number of voter suppression efforts, but you also bragged about it??  You thought we would not find out??  Someone must be held accountable.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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