Interact With Those Who Put Up The Cash

On Tuesday, we are supposed to celebrate the Celtic Feast of Pan.  There is no innuendo worth using here so I will just say it – as guys, we are supposed to expend sperm to celebrate our fertility.  As luck would have it, the International day against all the sexual preference bigotry is the day before.  Therefore, in the modern era, if you expend the sperm, you are in excellent company.  Your choice of partner is up to you. 

If you really want to be seen as a good guy this week, stand up for women.  The freaks in Texas considered the death penalty in cases of abortion.  We will avenge that here in Rhode Island soon enough.

Monday May 17th:  Someone recently got a job.  Do they deserve the job??  We are not sure.  Let us ask them to prove to us that they deserve the job.

Tuesday May 18th:  When you got your gig because a journalist stalked a child, you should keep your boasts to a minimum.  This is especially true when you like self-pleasuring to Trump speeches.  Add in your need to advocate for forced birth and you got the trifecta.

Wednesday May 19th:  It is always great when someone thinks a battle is over just because they got a vote through.  Yes, you may have won on that.  It should be noted that “forever” is a long time.  Lots of things can get expensive.

Thursday May 20th:  There are a couple of bullies running around the US Congress right now.  The way to handle a bully is with a bat.  In Washington DC you direct your anger, via the free market, at a campaign contributor.

Saturday May 22nd: Some folks get elected, steal from us, and then think we will forget it happened.  More importantly, they think we will forget who was in their crew.  It is time to play spoiler.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week expect follow-ups and updates along the way.  Everything gets written.  Not everything gets released.

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