Let The Progroms Begin

Goody Glover was hung today in 1688.  Female who got hung, wondering what profession she had??  You can do two things about it.  If you’re a nice Christian, you can join your Egyptians friends and celebrate the Ennead Feast.  In part it celebrates Heru aka Horus.  Without Horus, Christmas Day is some other day.  If you want to embrace the darkness, you can join those of us doing this.

Monday November 16th:  There were Trump protests today.  There was no tear gas.  We have to get folks on the record concerning why that is.

Tuesday November 17th: Thanks to folks not being able to behave, we might be headed to another shutdown.  That would be a Christmas season shutdown when most retailers create over 50% of their profit for the year.  That hits those mentally ill, especially those suffering from addiction, and children the hardest.  We keep forgetting to have the second half of the conversation.

Wednesday November 18th: The Metacomet proposal became a mess then disappeared.  However, it is still kind of on the table.  The Speaker-elect shouldn’t be anywhere near it.

Thursday November 19th:  Remember when they found out about all the creepy racist stuff in the Kentucky State Police training materials??  Let’s start with the Rhode Island State Police and see what we find.  Any wagers??

Friday November 20th: If we can run a successful free market program against Judges and Sheriffs, why should Reublican Congresspeople from a blue state be any different?  Who would have to clean up the mess??  I have an idea.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week, expect follow-ups and updates along the way.

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