You Should Have Listened To The Jesuits Next Door

12 November 2020

Sean Connolly

Communications Director

People of Praise

107 South Greenlawn Avenue

South Bend, IN 46617

Dear Communications Director Connolly:

I hope this message finds you well.  Each night I pray that the pandemic stays away from people whether I agree with them or not.  Being the king of second chances, I realize how important it is for everyone to repent.

We took the names of a number of organizations connected to Supreme Court Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett and you won.  We had to start this experiment somewhere.  We are unhappy with a Supreme Court Justice jammed down our throats and we would like to try out some techniques.  This one is called “Scorched Journey of your Life.”

Once you were selected, we had to identify reasons why the majority of Americans would find your organization offensive.  That took all of ten minutes.  You use Jesus as an excuse to treat women and gay folks like trash.  He told you to do the opposite.  More importantly, people who tend to do that, especially Catholic organizations that tend to do that, have a pedophilia streak in them.  Imagination that, you guys run schools.

That does not mean you’re totally offensive.  You seem to be committed to a Higher Power of your choosing even if you pervert him.  As a person in long term recovery, 18+ years from crack and alcohol, I love the idea that you use a form of sponsorship even if sometimes it’s a misguided purpose.  The mentally ill, I’m that too, and the addicted are my people.  If you weren’t using Christ for a wrongful purpose, they could learn a lot from your approach to life.  You have much more going for you than many of us originally thought when you were sold as the modern day version of “A Handmaid’s Tale.”

The irony is that you were founded right next to a Jesuit institution.  The Faithful Companions of Jesus, the Benedictines, and the Jesuits made me who I am today.  Had you listened to the Jesuits next door, there would be nothing offensive about you and we would have had to pick another name out of the hat.

You may have already come to the conclusion that the last few months have been unfair to you.  You would be correct.  First, you get identified as a cult.  In reality, you’re folks doing things in an appropriate way – you just picked some very inappropriate views to go with that program.  Jesus was cool with gay people, he heals two without asking them to repent, and Pro Choice, Matthew 5:17 is clear, while you stray from his path.

So here is what is going to happen.  We are going to use your own website, social media, public records requests, and even people going to your properties to write down license plates to identify everyone who works for, has their children attending, or visits your schools.  Don’t feel bad, we’ve been doing this to Trump supporters for months.  You know those “parades” they love to have??  They are awesome for info gathering – of course in their case we also have boat registrations, pictures of flags at houses, and pictures of people going into stores.  Morons can’t help themselves when a pretty young lady in MAGA gear says, “Can I take a selfie with you guys??  Can I let you in on a secret – I’m wicked into Q Anon”.  Seriously, have you seen the Trump males with the gasoline station sunglasses??  It’s not like they have unpaid for sex a lot.

So far nothing we are doing is illegal.  Then we are going to use all kinds of processes to identify who we have discovered.  That is not illegal.  Then we are again going to use social media and public records requests to figure out where everyone is employed.  That is not illegal.  The next step is to determine where those organizations have interests in blue states.  It could be supply chains, administrative offices, or retail locations in blue states.  The counties Mr. Biden won control 70% of the economy.

Most states, thanks to conservatives, have employment rules where anybody can be fired at will.  Then we just get people fired because it’s fun.  Eventually, the people getting fired find out it happened because they’re connected to your schools.  Since we’re not the ones doing the firing, that’s not illegal.  You might get some angry calls.  Fear not, again you’re not alone.  We are running versions of this program in Louisville, which may have to be stepped up due to child sexual abuse allegations, Kenosha, against a certain Southern Sheriff, and is about to be unveiled in North Kingstown, a community in my home state.  Again, none of it is illegal.

We should also be clear about something else.  The folks doing this to you are fellow Catholics.  Your need to act like creepy Evangelicals bent on white supremacy is disgusting.  Catholics in the United States support choice and gay rights.  If the Pedophile enablers in Rome can’t get out of the Pope’s way, we will have the American Schism.  No one, outside of creeps, wants to be part of a bigoted church Jesus would not have approved of.

As we go along, if you want copies of what we’re up to, just ask.  It’s more appropriate that you ask since I don’t want to spam you by accident with a bunch of material you are not interested in.  I will also make this letter available to law enforcement so they know what we are up to as things progress.  That way if they have any questions, they can just pick up the phone.

What I firmly promise is that we will never break the law.  That would be boorish.  Can I let you in a little secret though??  Even if we did by accident in a blue state or Washington, DC it wouldn’t matter.  You know how Trump likes to say he could shoot anyone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn’t lose any supporters??  It turns out the inverse is true.  As I wrote the Capitol Police, you can do whatever you want to any Trump supporter where there are blue streets and blue juries and no jury will convict you.  We just think going to that level is beneath us.

Outside of these matters, we do wish you the best of luck.  It looks like you could repent and have an amazing program the world should emulate.  As we like to say in recovery, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again thinking things are going to change.  Thanks to the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice instead of a Covid relief package, insanity has been brought to your front door.  That is not a reflection on you – outside of your bigoted and disgusting unChristlike views – it’s just bad luck.

Unfortunately reality dictates the way to handle a bully is to punch them in the mouth.  White nationalists have been bullies since slavery brought us the Electoral College.  In the modern area, Merrick Garland got tossed aside, Trump put kids in cages, Justice Kavanaugh wasn’t investigated properly and Justice Barrett was rammed through.  We have to respond.  I’m sure you understand.  Sadly, you’re one of those innocent 3rd parties that got caught in a free market crossfire.  It happens sometimes.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira


Warwick, RI

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