Say Hi To Mike For Me

1 November 2020

Honorable Sheriff Terry S. Johnson

Office of the Alamance County Sheriff

3934 Spanish Oak Hill Road

Snow Camp, NC  27349

Honorable Sheriff Johnson:

I hope this message finds you well.  As much as I have evil economic intent for later on, in this moment I want the pandemic and the universe to be leaving you alone.  I wrote another member of law enforcement about some differences his team were having with the community.  Turns out he had life throw him a turn.  Now he’s on my prayer list and the differences can wait until he processes and heals.  The other problem is if a “political target” is “inconvenienced”, we are no longer engaged in true sport.

The other day we saw your team employ chemical weaponry against children.  We saw you use force against Democracy.  We watched you stand up for a white nationalist agenda.

Your record tells us you are an unworthy NeoConfederate.  You only survive because slime like you lives near you.  Due to Donald Trump, people have chosen a different path free of the slime you enjoy and it scares you.

This is a reminder that no matter the outcome of this endeavor, people like me control your legacy.  Fear not, you will be remembered as a hood wearing sexist freak.  Whether Donald Trump wins or loses, nothing changes for you.  Spraying chemicals onto children, because their parents were taking an active role in Democracy, will always be your legacy.  It is what your grandchildren and their children will have shoved in their faces on a daily measure.

Here is what is happening right now.  We are doing a financial background check on your entire family.  We are determining what licenses and permits they or the businesses they work for need to operate.  We are looking at their insurance.  We are following their company’s supply chains.  We know who is headquartered where and we will know who is whose biggest customer.  When I get done, I want to be able to do some of the sales pitches for the companies your family is involved in.

The tricky parts are what make it take so long to accomplish.  First off, we’re not allowed to ask you to do anything.  We just have to run roughshod over stuff without giving you a goal.  If we did, it’s no longer a free market reaction but extortion.  Secondly, we really don’t want to cause anyone but members of your family to reach into their bank accounts.  Yes, to a certain extent the residents of your County are responsible for electing illiterate white trash like you.  However, for the most part, outside of the Proud Boys and Boogaloos in your circle, few would have signed off on using chemical weapons against 4 and 5 year olds learning how to vote.  Do you sometimes sneak off into the woods and burn a cross or two with your boys just to see what it looks like??

Fear not, you are not alone for economic retaliation.  For two weeks now, we have been negotiating with a firm in Kentucky to get a member of Sergeant Mattingly’s family fired.  As I type this, license plates from the Austin incident are being run.  3 have already been identified and public record requests have been written.  Tonight, we understand that racist militia freaks in Georgia want our attention.  Whether Trump wins or loses, he can do nothing to stop us.  Then again, he thinks you’re all suckers so he wouldn’t bother to if he could.

Because you have an interesting medical history, 2013 was a banner year, and Samhain has just passed, I have invited Pagans to “pray” for you.  Evangelical Christians who use Christ for sexist and bigoted purposes, Christ was pro-Choice and cool with gay people, disgust me to no end.  The morons don’t even know Revelations happened in 68 AD nor can they comprehend what Nicea, Trent, and Constantine’s actions mean regarding their faith.  They don’t even know that Satan and Lucifer are different people.  I figured bringing in Spiritual help would help me make my point.

One last thing – can you do me a favor??  Can you say hi to Mike for me??  You know, the guy who lives a couple of blocks down??

When I first decided to put your home address in this letter, I got a little concerned.  Far left types, we don’t entertain such company in the New World Order, can get a little confused.  They also get taken advantage of a lot.  Imagine if a bunch of Leftists showed up at the wrong house??  Imagine the error getting compounded when alt right types show up and do damage to the wrong houses??  That would suck.

Again, your neighbors might have picked you but they don’t deserve to be treated like you.  I called Mike and asked him to hang a towel outside his door so folks knew enough not to go there.  He explained that he lived far enough away from you that it shouldn’t be a problem.  He was nice enough to answer the phone on a Halloween night to take a call from a guy living in Rhode Island with a New York area code.  Mike must be pretty cool.

As of today, your life has forever changed.  Nothing will ever be the same again.  Might be a good time to go apologize to your family members.  You hurt children on behalf of a broke guy who has to launder cash for the Russians.  Now your family has to get out their checkbooks.  How many calls with the news, “I got fired because you attacked kids with chemical weapons” before you realize your whole life has been a joke??  How long before you realize your racism isn’t Christlike and will only make you a punchline for years to come??  How will you handle the responsibility of providing generations you don’t know yet with financial setbacks because your penis is too small and you thought gas canisters aimed at kids would help??

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Both Alamance County Commissioner Chair Amy Scott Galey and Alamance County Attorney Clyde B. Albright have been appraised of what we’re up to.  They, the North Carolina State Police, and the FBI have been told they can have copies of any public requests we file or public documents we send out requesting someone’s employment, that would be a someone related to you, be altered.  Your moronic ass took on the blue states in a contest where we can create change without leaving our driveways.  You are a genius without equal.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Warwick, RI


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