Some Folks Won’t See The End Of The Movie

Do you go to a Church that still celebrates Michaelmas??  Probably not.  If you did, you’d be asked to try out a new gig this week.  They’d even pay you.  The close of Mabon, why Michaelmas is where it is, is always a good time to try something new.

Wednesday September 30th:  So the Providence Mayor seems to be getting more serious about dealing with substance abuse issues.  How far is he willing to go??  Let’s propose something to one of his appointees.

Thursday October 1st:  I’m going to make it a habit to call out Leaders in my own Church on a regular basis.  They’re only out of step with 70% of us.  If we left, they’d go broke.  More importantly, the original translation of the document they say they base everything on is on our side.

Friday October 2nd:  The Louisville Metro Police Department has a Professional Standards Office.  Makes you wonder where they’ve been all this time.  A little poke here, a little poke there, never know what you’ll find.

Saturday October 3rd:  So ICE was sterilizing moms.  That person had to be recruited – heard they weren’t licensed.  How can we trust the state they came from now??

Sunday October 4th: Some Senators forget they serve a long way from home.  They forget DC has blue streets and blue juries.  It is our job to remind them.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week, expect follow-ups and updates along the way.

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