Everything Is More Of A Mess

We could be about to enter the most violent period in our history.  As Democrats, we should stop whining and start embracing.  Republicans should fear more than they do since more of them are out of balance with the Universe.  That is what Mabon is all about.  Ok, forget the harvest side.  Realize that light and darkness are now in balance.  There’s nothing wrong with reaching into the darkness to grab tools now and again.

Monday September 21st:  Some creep is trying to sell things to help Trump out in the spirit world.  She needs to be reminded how the spirit world feels about Trump.  Then she needs to be reminded how the rest of us do.

Tuesday September 22nd:  First the New York City Police Department starts arresting protestors for no reason.  Then we get Barr’s moronic statement today.  This could get expensive for some folks quick.  Do they really want that??

Wednesday September 23rd:  Happy Anniversary to me.  18 years and counting.  Normally I do something recovery related.  This year RGB died so I’m calling out the DA in Lancaster, PA.

Thursday September 24th:  Ever been typing so hard that the cat jumps up on the table and grabs your arm in a “Hey bro, what’s up” manner??  Last week, I got somebody’s County Grant Applications.  This week, I get the city ones.

Friday September 25th: A certain State Legislature is getting their cops in trouble one more time.  The cops should know that some trades aren’t worth it.  The free market is our friend yet again.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week, expect follow-ups and updates along the way.

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