God We’re Cop Heavy This Week

Get the cake out.  It’s Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s birthday tomorrow.  You wanna learn some spells??  He is a cool place to start.

Monday September 14th:  The Post Office is certainly in the news a lot.  Going forward, we will need “policy clarifications”.  I start that process today.

Tuesday September 15th:  It’s one thing to ask somebody to resign.  It’s another to ask them to resign and then back it up.  A lot of this week is going to seem like Thursday.

Wednesday September 16th:  Can you have a week this time of year and not talk about a Columbus Statue??  Of course not.  Because it’s this week, we’ll have the conversation with a respected Police Chief.

Thursday September 17th:  You also can’t tell a union they were wrong to endorse someone without backing it up.  This is actually Thursday on a Thursday.  Wow, a New York based FOIL no less.

Friday September 18th: Folks in Arkansas have weird views on rape.  Those views shouldn’t hurt women.  One Legislator stepped over a line.  Let’s see how close we can get to a travel ban without breaking a law.

Please be aware, as we discovered many times, that this is only a schedule and real events can happen.  This week, expect follow-ups and updates along the way.

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