Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened

1 September 2020

Police Chief Daniel G. Miskinis

Kenosha Police Department

625 52nd Street

Kenosha, WI  53140

Dear Chief Miskinis:

I hope this message finds you well.  While many of us are angry at you, catching the virus would make you a sympathetic creature.  Nobody wants that.

As we all know, one of your Officers shot a man 7 times in the back.  We all know this would never happen to a white person.  Much as in Breonna Taylor case, we do not expect you or your local District Attorney to do the right thing.

While we think we know what the future holds, we do not think protesting is the answer.  If you protest, the rioters show up.  The great citizens of your community deserve better.  It is also clear that you will complain if someone “takes a knee”.  Funny, you will not complain if white folks bring guns to a statehouse but that is not our style.

What are we going to do??  As I write this, a number of interns, ok – call them kids as it’s Primary Season here too, are going through the extended family of Officer Rusten Sheskey.  They are specifically looking to spot individuals who work for companies that are headquartered in blue states or individuals working for companies who are headquartered in red state but need access to blue state marketplaces.

Once the list is complete, we will use Planning, Zoning, Codes, and financial incentives to motivate the companies to do our bidding.  When the company’s ask us to take off the heat, we will employ Donald Trump’s famous request, “I need a favor though”.  It will be interesting to discover if Officer’s Sheskey’s family has a higher or lower unemployment rate than the areas they collectively live in.  That at least gives us a goal to shoot for.  This is where you should applaud us for pledging to avoid committing any crimes whatsoever.

None of the communications we engage in will happen in Wisconsin.  Firms can pretty much hire and fire who they want in your state.  No discrimination is involved.  In short, when they get tossed, there is no one for them to complain to.  Since none of the actions causing them to get tossed are taking place in Wisconsin, you have no one to complain to.  You are welcome to sit and watch.

By the way, I do not know how many relatives of Officer Sheskey have to be fired before he realizes shooting someone in the back was a bad idea, but if he ever admits that, could you kindly tell us on what day he does it??  First, we need the information for scientific purposes.  Secondly, we always want to be improving our methodologies.

You really have left us no choice.  Forever, cops have been immune from political retaliation.  Pandora’s Box has finally been opened in 2020.  The good news is we do not have to bother you by going there.  Secondly, the rest of your citizens, saddled with your below average leadership as they are, are safe from colloquial damage.  You cannot say that when protesting due to right wing rioters who somehow think that increasing crime and violence under Trump will cause him to stop the crime and the violence.

On behalf of everyone who lives in New England, allow me to say we are so glad you are a chief there and not here.  After watching you speak on television in the ignorant disconnected way you did,  I do not know how they do not engage in withholding tax payments until you are fired.  I guess the best thing you have going for you is that the local Sheriff is ever more of a racist moron than you are.  Real life events tend to seek out the ignorant and both of you proved the theory to be true once again.

Please reflect on the decisions you have made up to now.  No, don’t bother changing your handling of the Officer.  We have decided what we are going to do and have already begun.  Since we cannot trust the system, whenever a racist/sexist/bigoted act is committed by a member of the police, this is where we are going.

It will be interesting to see whether we have impact in your state or Kentucky first.  Maybe I should call someone in Vegas and see if they will take odds on where “measurable results” occur first.  Please let Officer Sheskey know I said “hi”.  This way, if anything happens, he knows exactly who to give the credit to.


Robert T. Oliveira


Warwick, RI  

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