We’re Confused. Please Help Us Out

17 June 2020

Supervisor of Elections Wendy Sartory Link

Palm Beach County

240 South Military Trail

West Palm Beach, FL 33415

Dear Supervisor Link:

I hope this message finds you well.  I’m sorry to hear that COVID-19 cases in Florida are dramatically on the increase.  I hope you, your family, and your team can all avoid the virus.

I am writing to you today because recent headlines about President Trump have confused us.  I hope you don’t mind if I ask a couple of questions as an attempt to clear up the confusion.  They both deal with President’s Trump’s voter registration.

It is our understanding that President Trump tried to register himself at Mar-A-Lago.  According to what we have been told, for whatever reason, it does not satisfy Florida law as an acceptable address.  Then Mr. Trump tried to send in a mail ballot based on that address.  If the address for both the registration and the mail ballot we’re unacceptable, why wasn’t he charged with the fraud??

The second question is do you understand him to be currently registered??  If so, at what address??  If he is not registered, is he a qualified elector in the state of Florida??

If you put out a press release or even a tweet answering those questions many people around the country would appreciate it.  By the way, we all know why he did not register in New York and we are sorry you got stuck with him.

There will come a day when he was no longer President.  Then we can get back to some form of normal.  With any luck, the virus will be gone by then too.


Robert T. Oliveira


Warwick, RI  02886

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