Could Lenette Solve The Mystery For Us??

29 March 2020


Lenette Forry-Menard

True North Communications

260 West Exchange Street, #103

Providence, RI  02903


Dear Ms. Forry-Menard:


I hope this message finds you well.  While life in semi lock down is annoying, at least we live here in Rhode Island where natural beauty can be observed from every window.  May your Higher Power keep your loved ones safe as we wait for the virus to run its course.


On March 5th, Representative Phillips was Chairing a hearing at the Statehouse.  You were going to be late so you texted him. He read part of the text into the record.


I have sent an APRA request to the Representative for the entire text.  However, between the virus and his need to stall, it will only be after a long court fight and many dollars spent that I will get to see it.  Many people upon reading the initial request suggested I just reach out to you. If you still have the text at your disposal, can you make it public in some manner??


We would like to complete the record.  A lot of us find Representative Phillips, like all members of the House Leadership, to be sketchy.  If he is a Republican who just shoved a (D) in front of his name to get elected, your word choices while communicating with him will reveal it.


In reality, he screwed you over.  Once he partially read the text into the record, he opened the door.  If being put in the spotlight troubles you in any way, perhaps it does not, then you really should take it up with him.


What happens if you decline??  In a legal sense, nothing. Because of whom you choose to lobby for, a lot of Democrats already hate you.  I’m a Laffer disciple so you’re 50/50 with me. I guess the good news there is that the Democrats who despise you are from the “let’s go hold signs and yell at a building” crowd instead of the “let’s go try and see if we can make them homeless” crowd I belong to. 


Please take note that I am not writing you at home.  Please note that a picture of your house is not appearing on my blog.  Not only do I enjoy pictures of “target houses” but my audience loves them.  In this particular case, you are not a “target”.  We just want you to do the right thing in this circumstance.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your time and consideration.




Robert T. Oliveira


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