One Little Step At A Time

Dear Friends who follow the Blog,


Here’s the Plan for the Week Memo.  Remember, we focus on action, not outrage.


Call Speaker Mattiello’s Office  401-222-2466. Kindly let him know that we can do something about climate change.  If he wants to stay Speaker, already far from a sure bet due to his pro fetus views, he needs to do something about climate change.


Call Senate President Ruggerio.  401-222-2967. Tell him he needs to reflect on decriminalizing weed.  Thanks to his Trump support, he’s on a short leash too.


Call Hobby Lobby. 401-821-5100.  Tell them it’s nothing personal, but their parent company is a mess.  Therefore, you support the sanctions in place against them. (You can still shop there if you want – we don’t do boycotts.)


Have a great week,

Bobby O


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