Call The Guy Who Did It

13 January 2020


President Chad Warmington

State Chamber of Oklahoma

PO Box 53217

Oklahoma City, OK  73152-3217


Dear President Warmington:


I hope this message finds you well.  Did you have an unseasonably, but appreciated, warm weekend followed by a return to the 30’s and flurries like we did??  Not being Coastal, it may take climate change a tad longer to affect you the way it does with an ocean next door.


Please do not take anything I am about to tell you personally.  This is not about the good people of Oklahoma directly, their work ethic, or the quality of work they put forward.  It is about who they elect. For that reason starting today, we are upping our efforts to drive Hobby Lobby, headquartered in your state, out of blue state marketplaces.


We never break the law so fear not for anyone’s safety.  We use Planning, Zoning, Codes, et cetera to create corporate culture change.  It makes sense to locate your business in a red state due to the lack of regulations and taxes.  However, due to that combination along with “socially conservative” values, you cannot make money in a red state.  Alabama is considered to be “3rd world” now. You have to generate your profit in the blue states. If you misbehave, we can use our tools against you.


Since 9/11, and the rise of the hedge fund managers at the same time, a profit fetish has developed in America.  It used to be all about revenue. When it became about profit, retailers put less employees on the floor and stopped caring about salesmanship.  Therefore, since everyone’s employment is now tied to profit, you only have to move the “cost needle” a tiny bit to force a large amount of change.


This creates an environment where locating in a red state and selling mostly in the blue states becomes a game of Russian Roulette.  Red states have creepy red state politicians who engage in bigotry and hate women because their version of Christ, while there is zero Scriptural evidence, told them to do these things.  They gather together and try to bring about creepy end times fantasies hoping that they can be raptured. As intelligent people turned off by bigotry and sexism, we despise them. One wrong move and we come to collect.


Senator Inhofe provided us with ammunition just the other day.  You might remember that Donald Trump announced via tweet that he would bomb Iranian Cultural sites.  This is a war crime for good reason. Donald Trump has told us he does not care about war crimes whenever he pardons war criminals.  He even pardons those who kill children. Just like the kids in the cages, every Trump supporter is also responsible for every dead child killed by our military who did not receive Justice.  The Senate wanted to consider a Resolution calling out the pretend President for this act. Senator Inhofe blocked it. Every intelligent person hates him now. Fortunately for us, he serves in DC where the streets and the juries are blue.


I was at Portsmouth Abbey in 1980 and 1981.  It was my Freshman year, 3rd Form, and also the time of the Iranian hostage crisis.  Out of the 238 of us attending the school, we had two Iranian kids. The day the hostages came home, they addressed an Assembly of all of us.  Thanks to my eidetic memory, I can see them and the room. Unfortunately, I never saw their names written down so I can’t remember that part.


Provided that life has worked out for them, they are living in Iran now.  If they were good enough to be in class with me, aren’t they also good enough to have differences worked out without bombing cultural sites??  I don’t know how things work in Oklahoma, but here in the blue states we know it was the Sunni who committed 9/11 and not the Shia. This makes Trump’s decision to rent out out military to the Saudis all the more disgusting.  After he helped them kill a journalist, we should have expected this.


The message is clear.  If your political leaders act like political white trash, we are going to drive your businesses from where we live.  Good luck turning a buck in red states where we can trade body fluids for property. The reality of the situation is that simple.


My personal suggestion is get Senator Inhofe on the phone.  Suggest strongly that he act like an adult. Let’s face a bit of reality – due to the bigots that run Hobby Lobby, we have wanted to take a run at them for a long time.  Putting a stop to this before we take on somebody we thought we liked would be a good idea.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your time and consideration.


In Hoc Signo,


Robert T. Oliveira



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